Original Post — Direct link

Hi, I've been playing this on XBox One S since December and really enjoying it. Ever since this last weekend I can't play a session longer than roughly 10 minutes without crashing to the loading screen. I have followed the XBox troubleshooting guide and have both game and console set to auto-update, and they both seem to be updated to current builds.

It's doing it to me every ten minutes of regular gameplay (give or take a few minutes). I'll be gaming along and screen will freeze, audio picks up in a second or two but screen still frozen, then black screen to main loading screen. Makes it uplayable.

Edit to add that this only started happening this last weekend (I usually only play on the weekends, so this bug could have been introduced late Feb early March. The previous weekend I didn't have any problems, nor have I ever had this problem at all in several months of play, sometimes with multi-hour sessions). This doesn't happen in any other game I play, either.

Another edit to add that I've rest the cache and uninstalled/reinstalled the game; game still crashes.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hey @willogical! I'm sorry you are experiencing crashes. If you have not had a chance yet, please try all of these basic troubleshooting steps. Does this happen when you do specific actions or randomly? Could you see if it crashes if you are in offline mode?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @willogical ,

Sorry for the delay - thanks for getting back to us!

Do you have installed and have you been playing the Dawn of Ragnarock content when experiencing these crashes?

And are you using a physical or digital version of the game?

Thank you!