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I noticed when in combat , I'm not feeling any vibration feedback. The vibration setting is set to normal, which seems to be the highest setting? Is it soft or an I missing something?

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@niander To my knowledge there are no known issues with the PS5's Dual Sense haptic feedback in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. There was an issue in a previous update where the haptic feedback had been disabled, however this was resolved with another update. Please ensure you have the latest update for the game installed.

If you have then I would also recommend checking the settings on your PS5 to see what your settings your controller currently has. To do this go to settings > accessories > controllers and from there you can select the vibration intensity and trigger effect intensity. I am unsure from the top of my head if there is also an option within the game for the haptic feedback, please check the in game settings to make sure.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Oxavo - Direct link

Hello @niander. My apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I have passed on your feedback about adaptive triggers to the Game team.

@zarif_s hello and welcome to Discussions. I am sad to read you are experiencing the issue with a haptic feedback. It should have been resolved by now.
Could you please record the short video demonstrating the issue and showing us that the game is fully updated, upload it on any video hosting of your choice and send us the link.
Please also make sure you've uploaded the latest save to the cloud.

Feel free to get back in touch if you need us.