almost 3 years
ago -
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Today, a couple of bugs have come up after the launch of patch 6 concerning the cancellation of forced movement effects and automated silver pickup.
- some players experience disconnections after picking up silver with the automated silver-pickup function.
Workaround: You can disable the auto pickup by going to your game settings -> general -> untick "automatically pick up silver"
- Using a knight helmet will not make you immune to forced movement, but instead cancel out your own forced movements (like leaps, dashes, blinks, etc)
- the protective shield when zoning through a portal will not protect you from forced movement effects.
PLEASE NOTE: Abusing this bug is considered an exploit and will be sanctioned accordingly. If you see someone abusing it, please send a recording to [email protected]
We will roll out a hotfix with tomorrow's maintenance to address both of these issues.
The bugs involving the "cancellation of forced movement effects" have been fixed with today's maintenance,
The "disconnect on silver pickup" bug has been fixed for PC, but mobile devices will have to wait a bit longer.
Workaround: You can disable the auto pickup by going to your game settings -> general -> untick "automatically pick up silver"
Please also be aware that the disconnecting after picking up silver will not yet be fixed on iOS, it will take a bit longer there.
We will keep you updated in this thread.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Nesnes & dev team
Today, a couple of bugs have come up after the launch of patch 6 concerning the cancellation of forced movement effects and automated silver pickup.
The bugs involving the "cancellation of forced movement effects" have been fixed with today's maintenance,
The "disconnect on silver pickup" bug has been fixed for PC, but mobile devices will have to wait a bit longer.
Workaround: You can disable the auto pickup by going to your game settings -> general -> untick "automatically pick up silver"
Please also be aware that the disconnecting after picking up silver will not yet be fixed on iOS, it will take a bit longer there.
We will keep you updated in this thread.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Nesnes & dev team