almost 3 years
ago -
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Hello everyone!
After the end of Season 14, some issues came up that we've been hard at work looking into. The Hotfix on February the 22nd has addressed the following issues:
We are still looking into the following 2 issues:
We are making progress and hope to deploy a fix soon that will address the remaining issues.
This post will keep you updated as soon as there is more information.
Today, on February 25th a fix has been deployed at 18:00 UTC. Everyone who did not receive their appropriate Avatar Rings, but was eligible to receive them, should be able to recover those in the in-game mail.
With that all the mentioned issues were resolved.
Thank you all for your patience.
For your information:
The avatar rings and season statues are the only items that are awarded to all guild members. All guild members who were members at the end of the season get the rewards. (they needed to be in the guild for 1 day and have premium active)
You can read all details about Seasonal rewards and requirements here: Changes for Guild Season 14
Nesnes & Dev Team
After the end of Season 14, some issues came up that we've been hard at work looking into. The Hotfix on February the 22nd has addressed the following issues:
- Hideout Boosters earned during Season 14 have now been received
- Season 15 Conqueror's Challenge UI is now displaying correctly
- Events Schedules on outlands objectives is now updated
Players not receiving their conqueror's challenge rewards
players not receiving the correct avatar ring according to their guild's season rank
Today, on February 25th a fix has been deployed at 18:00 UTC. Everyone who did not receive their appropriate Avatar Rings, but was eligible to receive them, should be able to recover those in the in-game mail.
With that all the mentioned issues were resolved.
Thank you all for your patience.
For your information:
The avatar rings and season statues are the only items that are awarded to all guild members. All guild members who were members at the end of the season get the rewards. (they needed to be in the guild for 1 day and have premium active)
You can read all details about Seasonal rewards and requirements here: Changes for Guild Season 14
Nesnes & Dev Team