Original Post — Direct link

Hi Anno Team!
As title says, some helium airships show incomplete "Helium Gas Cells" infotip upon hovering on the relative icon, as the following screenshot shows.
Among the airship classes there are mainly new airships, such as Pegasus, Manticore (Armed & unarmed), Harpy (Armed & unarmed).

while the expected infotip would look like this:

As always, I am available to provide any additional info/material upon request. I verified game filews before reproducing the issue.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey there @Acidello,

Thank you so much for reporting this incomplete info-tip you found on some helium airships with us! I have forwarded this issue to our dev team for investigation. Should they need more information, I will get back to you 😊