Original Post — Direct link
Hello I am unable to pick up the opal that is on the shelf. This is in the bottom right side of the Grantebridgescire. The location is north east of Walden. Sorry not sure how I can upload the image here from my desktop.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by xMORISx12345
Hello I am unable to pick up the opal that is on the shelf. This is in the bottom right side of the Grantebridgescire. The location is north east of Walden. Sorry not sure how I can upload the image here from my desktop.
Hey there xMORISx12345,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

Are you still encountering this?

If so, if you can upload your screenshot to a hosting site such as imgur, you can post the link here

Thank you!