This overview of ubisoft challenges and how to complete them
Use ctrl/cmd-f to search on this page if you need a specific challenge
I'll Update this post in the future based on more info and comments.
Challenges you get in a normal playthrough
Base game
Winter Is Coming
Have 10t of Bread, Fish, Beer, Schnapps and Canned Food in stock.
No special effort is needed for this one. Just play and you wil get the goods eventually when reaching Artisans. Overproduce a bit so your storage is always filling up.
Back in Business (campaign only)
Fulfill Sir Archibald Blake's bulk order.
This is part of the questline. You can not miss it. Just provide Archibald with the goods.
Gold Digger
Reach 100,000 coins in one company.
No special effort is needed for this one. Just play and you wil get the coins eventually. If you want moneymaking tips. Some of the most popular early game are: overproducing soap and sell the soap to Eli (prison). Another one is making ships and sell the ships to Archibald. Set every product to sell that you overproduce in your harbor, that way you also get some extra income.
A Ticket Home (campaign only)
Obtain a ticket home.
This is basicly the first stage of the campaign. If you use the dynamite for the fish and bring the fish to the coast you will eventually obtain the ticket to go home. Can not be missed, is part of the campaign.
Nosey Parker (campaign only)
Open the letter you were asked to deliver to Eli Bleakworth.
Decide if you want to be discreet or not. This is a challenge with 2 outcomes. If you open the letter you will get this achievement, if you do not open the letter you will get the "Discreet " achievement. Save the game. Open the letter and deliver it so you get the achievement. Then load the game again and do not open the letter to get the "Discreet " achievement,
Discreet (campaign only)
Deliver the letter to Eli Bleakworth unopened.
Decide if you want to be discreet or not. This is a challenge with 2 outcomes. If you open the letter you will get this achievement, if you do not open the letter you will get the "Discreet " achievement. Save the game. Open the letter and deliver it so you get the achievement. Then load the game again and do not open the letter to get the "Discreet " achievement,
Isabel Found (campaign only)
Discover the New World in the campaign.
At the artisan level you will be able to do expeditions. Do the expedition and go to the new world, a new map with all new possibilities. Discover the new AI player, Isabel there. Can not be missed, is part of the campaign.
Special Operations (campaign only)
Rescue Isabel's comrades.
At a certain stage in the campaign Isabel will ask you to save people for her. Make sure you have some ships ready to pick them up. Always make sure you have ships with cannons to counter a possible attack during the rescues. Can not be missed, is part of the campaign.
The Truth Uncovered (campaign only)
Learn the secret behind your father's death
You'll learn why your father did some things... Can not be missed, is part of the campaign.
Climate Change Denier
Build a power plant.
If you get to engineers, you will need to build a power plant to fullfill the need for electricity. Connect the power plant with the railwaynetwork that goes to the oil refineries and oil harbour. To start, you can use oil from the old world. If you settle on your first island in the old world. Make sure you have some oil fields on that island. In that case you can cover the first oil hunger of your citizen and you do not have to build oil tankers in the first stage to get the oil to that island.
In theory, it would also work with the gas power plant. But the chance you get a gas power plant before an oil power plant is almost not possible.
Full Steam Ahead!
Build a steam ship.
You need the steam shipyard for this (Engineers). A steam shipyard needs electricity.
Eventually, you will build a cargo ship, monitor, battlecruiser or oil tanker. So this challenge will not be that hard. If you move goods from the new world to the old world or Cape (DLC), cargo ships are a must in later stages when you have a lot of investors!
Choo Choo!
Own your first train.
You'll need oil for the power plants. The oil is always transported with a train on an island. If you build the oil refineries you also need an oil harbour to store the oil. Connect those 2 with railways and you will see the train coming out of the oil harbour. This train will transport the oild from the oil refineries to the oil harbour and power plants.
Dutiful Child (campaign only)
Read the whole of your father's diary.
You'll learn why your father did some things... Can not be missed, is part of the campaign.
Build a battle cruiser.
This is a steamship and is build in the steam shipyard (Engineers). This shipyard needs electricity. Eventually, you will build a battlecruiser. So this challenge will not be that hard. Technically you do not need a battlecruiser to win, but chances are big you do build one out of curiosity. If you find it hard to get the advanced weapons production, you can always buy some advanced weapons from the pirates if you have good relations with them. Or you can get them by sinking some pirate ships or taking over islands from other AI.
Play ANNO 1800.
Just play
Challenges that require extra effort
Base game
Complete all Classic Challenges offering Club Units in ANNO 1800
Speaks for itself... You need to complete all classic challenges that offer club units.
No Business like Ship Business
Sell 5 Schooners.
Can be done really early in the game. Just build and sell 5 schooners to Archibald. It is also a way earlygame to get some extra money. Timber and sails are easy to get to. Important to know is that Archibald offcourse needs to be in your game. So make sure you added them when setting up the game. This is an AI that does not settle any other islands then the one he has at the start.
City Planner
Have 10 buildings planned in blueprint mode.

Use the blueprint mode (bottom-right corner of the building panel at the bottom of the screen) to build 10 buildings in blueprint mode. You can upgrade them after. You do not know this building mode? This mode let you plan building buildings without paying for them. You can layout a whole city without paying the materials. That way you can plan ahead. Once you have the materials you can upgrade the blueprints.
Fire and Rescue | Supply Chain Management (campaign only)
Find all the arsonists and evacuate Bright Sands | Defend all royal supply ships and destroy all supplies of your enemy.
Those quests are at the end of the campaign. After you complete building the courthouse, the Pyrphorians arrive. There are 2 sets of ships. One set in the harbouof Bright Sands and another set will attack your harbour. You can kill the set that attacks your harbour but DO NOT attack the other set in the harbour of Bright Sands (yet). If you do, the campaign will end and you will not be able to get "Fire and Rescue" and the "Supply Chain Management" quest.
Ather a couple of minutes and when all dialogues are done 3 Pyrphorian ships will appear at the map together with the quest "Fire Fighting". They will just patrol. You can go kill them and get the items to equip your ships. A bit later the quest for "Supply Chain Management" will pop up. The quest "Sovereign Aid". You'll have to protect a ship that needs to get to the Queens ship in your harbour. Make sure to send enough protection. Once tthe ship reaches the queens ship and the item is transfered you will complete the challenge "Supply Chain Management".
Then for "Fire and Rescue" you immediatly have to find 5 arsonists that causing trouble on your main island. You have 2min to find 5 of them. Save the game immediatly when you get the quest so you can always load the game again if time runs out. Once you find them you need to save some people on the other side of Bright Sands that want to escape. Slip past the ships and bring them home to your main island. So, that is it! The "Fire and Rescue" challenge is also now completed!
Chartered Company
Reach Investors using only charter routes.
Explanation speaks for itself. Only use charter routes to reach investors. No trade routes. also NO oil routes.
Make sure you settle an island in the beginning that has oild fields and the most important fertilities. Otherwise you will not be able to provide the engineers with oil for the power plant without an oil route. The more fertilities the less charter routes you will need.
Never click on the trade route button.
This quest can be bugged. Starting a new gamesession schould trigger it correctly when reaching it. I tried it in a campaign but it did NOT trigger... I tried it in a sandboxgame and it did trigger.
If you want more info about this topic a comment in this thread from Capt_Flameheart about how to get it and what the problems could be can be found via this link (huge thank you!):
For Company,... (campaign only)
Finish the campaign on normal difficulty.
This and both "...Queen,..." and "...and Empire." achievements can be obtained at the same time. For newer players I would not recommend to immediatly start on expert difficulty, but if you finish the campaign on expert difficulty you will recieve the three achievements for normal, advanced and expert difficulty. For newer players I would recommend trying it the first time on normal difficulty and then play the campaign again on expert to obtain the other 2 achievements.
...Queen,... (campaign only)
Finish the campaign on advanced difficulty.
This and both "For Company,..." and "...and Empire." achievements can be obtained at the same time. For newer players I would not recommend to immediatly start on expert difficulty, but if you finish the campaign on expert difficulty you will recieve the three achievements for normal, advanced and expert difficulty. For newer players I would recommend trying it the first time on normal difficulty and then play the campaign again on expert to obtain the other 2 achievements.
...and Empire. (campaign only)
Finish the campaign on expert difficulty.
This and both "...Queen,..." and "For Company,..." achievements can be obtained at the same time. For newer players I would not recommend to immediatly start on expert difficulty, but if you finish the campaign on expert difficulty you will recieve the three achievements for normal, advanced and expert difficulty. For newer players I would recommend trying it the first time on normal difficulty and then play the campaign again on expert to obtain the other 2 achievements.
Great Exhibitionist
Organise an exhibition.
Organise an exhibition in the World's fair. This building is unlocked at the investors level.
Party Like It's 1851
Organise a truly sumptuous exhibition.
Organise an exhibition of the highest level in the World's fair. This building is unlocked at the investors level. The sumptuous tier is unlocked with 10 000 investors.
On a Knife Edge
Finish an expedition with morale below 15%.
Maybe you get your ships back from expeditions before morale is running out to make sure you do not loose your ship and crew. Try to match that with a morale below 15% and get this achievement. Or, just take your chances and let the morale go low and pray for a good end. You can also save your game before opening the expedition and reload if it ends badly. Be aware of the fact that sometimes the outcome will always be bad. Even if you choose the other options in the expedition.
Win a game with the highest possible difficulty score.
You have 3 levels of difficulty. To get this achievement you need to win a game with the highest difficulty, not only level 3, but the difficulty bar need to be completly filled. This means custom settings where you disable Archie, Mdm Kahina and Eli, Add all slots with 3* AI, and put every setting on the most difficult
I got this achievement in a fast custom game of 45min. I set the winning conditions on 5000 citizen and then grinded / spammed houses and upgraded to artisans. Easy way to do actually. You do not even need to fight against the AI if you do not want to.
Fake News
Swap all the articles in a newspaper and then publish it.
Speaks for itself...
Isambard's Kingdom
Build wood, stone and railway bridges.
Bridges are build across rivers. Build all 3 types. Stone is unlocked at workers tier, railwaybridges at engineer tier.
One for all, all for one.
Play a multiplayer match with 3 other players.
Start a game with 3 other players. The best way to find those players is the Annoverse Discord channel.
You can chat with other people in some channels to arrange a game together. This forum is not ideal for that.
What's That Smell?
Have a burning sailing ship.
You need to obtain a ship that can spit fire. This can be a Pyrphorian ship you can buy from the pirates or build by obtaining an item that let you build those ships. Other way is to buy a flamethrower from the pirates and equip it to one of your ships. Burn down a ship from an AI or pirate to get this achievement.
Form an alliance with both Bente Jorgensen and Princess Qing.
Bente Jorgensen and Princess Qing are both easy AI. This can be the first game you play te learn the game. Both are really easy to get an alliance with. First get the reputation up to 100% by completing quests, flatter,...
Make someone happy by building a bank.
Build a bank with Beryl O'Mara in your game. I had lower military and economy then her and did NOT have an alliance and it triggered. So I can confirm that. I had 100% reputation and trade rights.
Thank you, Mr. Scrooge.
Lure Carl Leonard von Malching into gifting you money.
Play a game with Carl Leonard von Malching, get a good reputation with him and try going bankrupt/ have negative cash/cashflow. He will help you out. That is wahat some people say... Although I would not recommend. I tried it and failed multiple times. I lost the game (you can actually loose the game when going in the negative number of money for some time. Never had that in the last years/versions of playing Anno and did not know it was possible
) when trying to go bankrupt hoping he would help me. He never gave me money at that stage. Even if I had 100% reputation and an alliance.
I'll recommend just playing the game, keeping a good reputation with him. No alliance is needed. I got it in a campaign game (sandbox will also be possible) when reaching the new world and settling there. As a reward all other AI gave me some money, and Carl also. He had higher military and economy then me, so it is also possible without that.
Show me the money!
Obtain all Club Rewards in ANNO 1800.
In Uplay you have the club rewards where you can obtain new portraits, emblems, cosmetical items to use ingame. To unlock this achievement you have to obtain all those rewards. Indeed, it costs Uplay credits. Make sure to finish all the other challenges/achievements to obtain those credits.
World Peace
Form alliances with all players and pirates.
This could be hard to get if you choose the wrong opponents. You could do this with an easy game with easy AI. Bente and Princess Qing are easy ones. But it is definetly possible with harder AI. Just make sure you get to 100 reputation with all of them by doing quests, flatter,... First step is to make sure you get ceasefire and trade agreements. Once you can trade buy and sell a lot of goods for easy reputation. For pirates this could be a bit harder but try to get a ceasefire first. Pay for this if needed. If you get that try to build up by flatter and then a trade agreement. Once you get trade going it would go smooth. Keep doing quests and trade to keep the reputation up. Once the reputation is at 100% it should be easy to get an alliance. Hugo is an exception but read more about this in the Syndicalism achievement.
Anarchist DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Anarchist DLC and Hugo Mercier as an AI in your game.
Spread Anarchy
Publish at least one of Dr.Hugo Mercier's propaganda articles in your newspaper.
When publishing a newspaper you can now use some anarchist articles. Use one of those as a replacement.
Establish an alliance with Dr. Hugo Mercier.
This is a hard one for some people and also costed me some time. First of all you need 100 reputation with him. Follow the basic principles of getting 100 reputation (quests, flatter, getting ceasefire, non-aggression pact, trage rights, trading goods, peace,...). Then comes the hard part. With the other AI, you can just ask for an alliance and they will say Yes. With Hugo it is different. You will see that based on the chance your request gets. Probably Low or something even worse. The key here is to get higher Military AND Economy then Hugo. You can see that on the right in the diplomacy section and by clicking on hugo. It costed me a lot of effort to get higher military. I build ships, he does the same. I build military defense buildings, he does the same. I could not get higher military then him just by building more. Economy was no problem, I just had more islands and more production. To get better military I did different things. I declared war on him almost defeated him and them build up my reputation again. But by the time I got the reputation again to be able to ask for an alliance he got again a big military fleet. So... I had to find something else. I used an item that can be obtained from the AI or from expeditions, quests,... The "Black Flag". This is an item that can be put inside an attack ship and that lets you attack an island/ship without declaring war. It will affect some reputation but not that much so you can just build it up with trade really fast. The black flag has a cooldown so some planning is needed. You can buy the black flag from pirates. At this stage I had enough money to just keep rolling untill I got 30+ flags and put them all in battlecruisers. I placed some groups outside different islands and just destroyed some islands and ships in the 5min period I got. Then waited 20min (cooldown) and did it again and again... Untill I got higher military then him. I made sure to keep bumping up the reputation with trade in that 20min cooldown. Just buying random stuff from him does the trick.
Anarchy is Dead
Defeat Dr. Hugo Mercier.
Can be done by just defeating him or with a trick that can also be used together with the achievement "Anarchy is Dead". This is somewhat hacky and maybe not "fair" to do, but it works. Load a game only with Hugo as an opponent. When the game is loaded Hugo will sail to an island. Follow him and right before he settles on that island settle it yourself. Declare war on him and start attacking. You harbour should do some damage so you have damage advantage and destroy his flagship and with that win the game and defeat Hugo.
The Better Anarchist
Defeat Dr. Hugo Mercier without luxury needs, public services or police stations.
Can be done by using a trick that can also be used together with the achievement "The Better Anarchist". This is somewhat hacky and maybe not "fair" to do, but it works. Load a game only with Hugo as an opponent. When the game is loaded Hugo will sail to an island. Follow him and right before he settles on that island settle it yourself. Declare war on him and start attacking. You harbour should do some damage so you have damage advantage and destroy his flagship and with that win the game and defeat Hugo.
Propaganda of the Deed
Complete 20 anarchy resident quests.*Tip: quests that are given with ultimatum only count towards the achievement
This is a really hard one and a lot of people are struggling with this one.
Be aware that this explanation of this achievement is going to be long
The quests you need to complete are the quests unhappy residents/anarchist give you. Those can be workers and artisans. They threaten you to do/complete something otherwise they would revolt, or give you a present because they are happy. Do not confuse those quests with the defectors that want to join your island. Those are different quests, but rumors are that the ones that will revolt/thank you are the ones that before joined your island. That would be logical. (More about this later in this explanation)
For a lot of people all of a sudden the quests stop happening (happened 4x for me in 4 different games). A lot is been written about this on the internet and I finally got it and will be writing my findings here to help other people to get this achievement..
First of all, I struggled a lot with this, really, a lot. Searched on the internet but could not actually find something clear that has some steps you could follow. After 4 times I thought it was just bugged for me. I contacted Ubisoft support with my frustrations multiple times but always got the respons "this is not bugged". I also went to the Annoverse Discord channel but also there it was just guessing what could went wrong. A lot of people wanted to help (big thanks to all of them) but I could not find a clear solution.
So, I decided to start over for the 5th time but now I would do everything different and write down every step I took to see where I did go wrong or went right.
First difference is that I just started without a DLC. So, with the basegame and The anarchist. That would result narrowing down a lot of things. I disabled pirates, no other AI only Hugo Mercier. All settings were on easy (fertilities,...). Winning conditions to none.
The first big difference between the other games (where the quests stopped all of a sudden) was that once I went to Cape Trelawney I almost stopped developping the Old World. I did use some things from the Old World but did not expand it as I should and development there came almost to a hold.Good to know that the Old world =/= Cape Trelawney even they have the same fertilities.
I decided to grind all the quests without even go to the new World. Well, that was the plan at the start
Would be quick right? 3x speed...
I just started building on 1 island, expanding and doing quests for Hugo. I did not do any quests for other AI. Step by step. At 1600 workers, I got the first defectors that wanted to join my island. I was level 3 at that time.
Full list of defectors wanted to join my island with more info:
Hours/min is the ingame playtime. So not the real time that I was playing. I played most of the time at 3x speed. In the beginning I did not write down all the info.

Some other players already found some info after some datamining that the first quest that counts towards this achievement will be given once you reach Artisans, this was indeed the case for me. I got the "City Status" and had just upped some worker houses to 1000 Artisan houses and the quest popped up. At that time I was also using Anarchist propaganda.
Full list of revolting/thanking anarchists:
Hours/min is the ingame playtime. So not the real time that I was playing. I played most of the time at 3x speed. In the beginning I did not write down all the info.

Good to know is that I never failed one of the missions. In the datamining it was found that there is then a cooldown period of 25 hours.
I only did missions for defectors or Hugo Mercier. Not for other AI. I did more then 25 quests (stopped counting after 25) for him including the Storyline quests (No gods,...).
I also get the quest (multiple times) with dissidents/defectors where you have to choose to bring them back to Mercier or let them join your island. (not the same as the defectors that are in your harbour and ask to join your island!) I always choose to bring them to my island. I also failed that one 1 time because I had to sneak behind Hugo's ships and my ship was trapped between harbour buildings. Quests kept popping up so failing or bringing them to your island do not screw up the achievement quests.
Global remarks I wrote down during playing:
- I used Anarchist propaganda from Hugo. I still got the achievement quests. I also use propaganda to decrease consumption, but when I added those to the newspaper quests did not seem to pop up anymore. (See timestamp Inbetween 13-14 > 11hours without a quest) I can not be certain that that blocked it, but once I stopped using it the quests popped up again.
- the quests can pop up on all the islands, not only the main island.
- I did do residents quests so that and that had no influence
- I had good relationships with Hugo (100 rep, Trade rights,...). So, A good relationship is ok. A bad, no idea...
- I bought shares from Hugo's island. It did not break the quests (and offcourse bought back the shares he took of my own islands)
- I had negative and positive balance and in both circumstances got quests, so this is ok
- I did have churches, Variety theatres
- I failed quests for Hugo but kept getting the achievement quests
- Game crasht (DirextX error because of my AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT... ugh... ) and did not save after a quest. When I loaded the game I got the next quest exactly at the same timestamp as the one before the crash.
- I had a couple of Anarchist items in town halls on my main island. But also on the other islands where I had no town halls with items the quests popped up. So not really sure those items have an influence.
- To keep expanding I went to the New World to be able to provide enough Rum to the artisans and higher tiers. I was originally not planning to do that but did it anyway (hoping it would not bug the game). It did not, thankfully.
- I had multiple islands with Artisan tiers and 1 main island with Investors. The investors and Engineers were provided by goods I bought from Hugo and the other AI.
So that was it... To summarize:
I think the most important thing is to keep expanding in the Old World and not only Cape Trelawney. Build multiple islands and do not leave the Old World sitting there if you go to Cape Trelawney. Also take your time.
You can see the number of defectors wanting to join your island are not 1:1 ration to the quests. So, it could have an influence but not 1:1.
The interval between quests are from 30min > a couple of hours. What defines the interval is still a mystery. But the fact that it is never less and sometimes exactly 30min is a good indicator.
In my personal experience, if you are like me stuck on this mission and tired of getting frustrated I would play it like I did... in a single speedy game without a DLC's where you do not do anything else. It took me 2 evenings to play that 40hours ingame almost the whole time on 3x speed. If it is your first time with Hugo in your game you can just see if you get it in "your normal playstyle".
No God, No Master
Complete Dr. Hugo Mercier's Main Arc.
This is the main questline Hugo gives you. After +/- 20 normal quests from Hugo this questline will start.
Sunken Treasures DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Sunken Treasures DLC. You'll then have access to a new region, Cape Trelawney.
Supply a Metropolis (1750 Investors) on Crown Falls via trade routes only for 5 minutes.
You can do this with an existing game or a new game. At a certain point in time when you have a metropolis on Crown falls (the big island in Cape Trelawney) you have to destroy ALL production buildings on the island and make sure your metropolis is provided with everything it needs. Destroying all production buildings includes lumberjacks, fisheries, mines,... You can just save before destroying everything. Destroy everything speed time up 3x wait untill the achievement pops up and then load your savegame again. Use a stopwatch or look at the clock to make sure the time has passed by.
The Queen's Favour
Complete the story quest "The Great Exhibition".
If you follow the questlines you'll be able to complete this.
An Ocean of Knowledge
Complete all the cultural sets from Sunken Treasures
The only advice I can give here is have patience and a lot of work. Do exibitions, dive for treasures, buy maps for treasures, do expeditions,... If you miss some of them go to the statistics section, go to the items tab, select the items you do not have from the cultural tab, click on the item, on the right select "Ïtem source" and find out how you can obtain the item. For expeditions try to think as clear as possible what would be a logic place to get that animal, artifact,... The artic specific things will be from expeditions to that region, ect... If you miss some of the items that can be obtained by holding expositions the Anno wiki is a really good help to know exactly how to get the item. Sometimes you need a specific level or even a level withing that level.
The Glamorous Life
Reach the Glamorous attractiveness level on a City or higher on Crown Falls
Just keep playing a game you are really comfortable with. Keep building houses and expand production chains to be able to provide for your population. The best island to put that much people on is in Cape Trelawney. The big island is perfect for a lot of people.
Seriously Invested
Reach 50000 Investors on Crown Falls
Just keep playing a game you are really comfortable with. Keep building houses and expand production chains to be able to provide for 50 000 investors. The best island to put that much people on is in Cape Trelawney. The big island is perfect for a lot of people.
Into the Depths
Use the Diving Bell for the first time
In Cape Trelawney you can obtain the salvager from Old Nate. This is part of the DLC questline. With this special ship you can dive for treasures. Use this to get this achievement.
Botanica DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Botanica DLC. You'll then have access to a new cultural building, the Botanical garden. Same kind of building as the Zoo and Museum but for plants.
Gardens of Babylon
Reach 2500 attractiveness points in a Botanical Garden
You will need a lot of plots and so, a lot of influence and also a lot of high point plants to reach the 2500 attractiveness. Later in the game this will be possible. Just keep playing, do expeditions for plants, quests, expositions. You could use the "Estate Collections Act" from the palace if you have the Seat of Power DLC to boost the attractiveness for completing sets. Otherwise just build enough investors to be able to build more plots to insert more plants to get more attractiveness.
Coming Up Roses
Complete a Botanical Expedition
Complete a Botanical expedition and that would be enough.
Sounds Familiar
Equip a Music Pavilion with sheet music from Anno
In the museum, Zoo and Botanical garden you can build music pavilions that boost attractiveness (right of the icon to add an extra plot). You need to insert music sheets. You can get those sheets by completing missions or buy them from Archibald.
City in Bloom
Place the first botanical ornament in a Cultural Building
In the museum, Zoo and Botanical garden you can build extra cultural ornaments (left of the icon to add an extra plot). One of those categories are botanical ornaments like gardens. You get them by completing quests or you can buy them from Archibald or Madame Kahina. Build one of those next to a plot of that cultural building.
Encyclopaedia Botanica
Complete all the cultural sets for the Botanical Garden.
The only advice I can give here is have patience and a lot of work. Do exibitions, dive for treasures, buy maps for treasures, do expeditions,... If you miss some of them go to the statistics section, go to the items tab, select the items you do not have from the cultural tab, click on the item, on the right select "Ïtem source" and find out how you can obtain the item. For expeditions try to think as clear as possible what would be a logic place to get that animal, artifact,... The artic specific things will be from expeditions to that region, ect... If you miss some of the items that can be obtained by holding expositions the Anno wiki is a really good help to know exactly how to get the item. Sometimes you need a specific level or even a level withing that level.
Build all the botanical ornaments in any Cultural Building
Like "City in Bloom" you need to build botanical ornaments in a cultural building. But for this achievement you need to build all of them. So all gardens (all colors + other types), ect. You can buy then from Archibald or Madame Kahina and just roll for them untill you have them all.
The Passage DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Passage DLC. You'll then have access to a session, the Arctic.
Aero Tycoon
Build one Hangar on each of the 4 Arctic Plateaus
This is probably something to do lategame when you can provide the coal, canned food, coffee and all arctic production for your islands and the 4 plateaus together. Because you can not build any production on those plateaus expect for gas.Normal ships can also not deliver any goods to the plateaus. You'll need airships to deliver the goods to the plateaus (trade routes) and a good overproduction of all the goods. Also a lot of building materials need to be imported from the other sessions (steel, concrete, steam machines...) to complete all the hangars. Use items you can get from the Inuit to lower the amount of goods your people need.
The Lost Expedition
Find Sir John Faithful's lost expedition to the Northwest Passage
This is part of the questline in the arctic. Just follow the steps and you will get it.
Stick Together
Complete 10 Inuit or arctic residents' quests.
Just accept all the quests they give you and complete them. Inuit ask for (alpaca) wool, some basic goods you produce in the arctic like seal skin, taking
a photo,... The residents ask for multiple things. Photographs, even pocket watches and champagne,
Complete all the cultural sets from the Arctic
The only advice I can give here is have patience and a lot of work. Do exibitions, dive for treasures, buy maps for treasures, do expeditions,... If you miss some of them go to the statistics section, go to the items tab, select the items you do not have from the cultural tab, click on the item, on the right select "Ïtem source" and find out how you can obtain the item. For expeditions try to think as clear as possible what would be a logic place to get that animal, artifact,... The artic specific things will be from expeditions to that region, ect... If you miss some of the items that can be obtained by holding expositions the Anno wiki is a really good help to know exactly how to get the item. Sometimes you need a specific level or even a level withing that level.
Fuel Imports
Don't build a Charcoal Kiln in the Arctic until you pass 1000 Technicians
The only advice I would give is make sure to produce a lot of coal before setteling on the arctic and provide all the coal steady with cargo ships. This is easy if you expand the warehouse capacity so the ships have some time to get there without running low on coal.
Environmental Campaigner
Having passed 500 Technicians, turn off Heaters heating residences for 60 minutes.
You could do this in an existing game. Just save the game and destroy all the heaters. Make sure the citizen have all other goods to keep them warm. Speed up time 3x and set a stopwatch. Just let the time pass by and the achievement should pop up. If not you forgot a heater. Load the savegame againg and try again. After you get it just load your savegame again. Your people will be freezing but they will survive...
Seat of Power DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Seat of Power DLC. You'll then have access to a building called the Palace.
All Under Control
Unlock all the Departments of the Palace
Speaks for itself...
Cultural Capitol
Have at least a Zoo, a Museum, a World's Fair and a Public Mooring within the Palace's range for 30 minutes
Make sure to build it close to eachother so the range is ok between all buildings.
Another player mentioned it can also be obtained by just placing the blueprints for the palace. Could be a nice hack if you do not have the building materials (yet). See post of SallyBanno here:
Apparatus of State
Have at least one Trade Union, Town Hall and Harbourmaster's Office with 4 item slots equipped each
Your prestige level need to be high enough for this so you have the right policy levels. Click on the policy overview to see all the policies together. You'll need the +1 policy for trade union, Town hall and Harbourmaster's Office. If you activate those build all tree of them in range of the palace and fill them with 4 items. You could also use the local departments to be in range of one of the 3 buildings to get the 4 slots.
Prime Minister
Unlock all the Policies of the Palace
Raise your population, get more influence, build more attractiveness buildings (zoo, museum, botanical garden). Make sure you get more investors for influence so you can build more attractiveness buildings.
Build 40 wings for the Palace
Make sure to have a lot of building materials because those wings cost a lot... But in the end you are at a lategame stage so that should not be a problem. To be able to build more wings raise the attractiveness by building more cultural buildings.
Bright Harvest DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Bright Harvest DLC. You'll then have access to tractors and silo's for farms.
Long Term Grains
Have one working silo in the Old World Region.
This is an easy mission you get when the DLC is activated. Just build a silo at one of the animal farms when you have access to grain (workers).
Traction Control
Have at least 10 farms with working tractors supplied by only one fuel station.
Choose an island that already has oil wells on it and existing farms that already are in use. Build a refinery on this island and build 10 tractor barns with a fuel station connected to it.
Flawless Defence
Build a wooden fence entrance underneath a brick wall gate.
This could be tricky if you do not know where to find those buildings. The buildings they are talking about are ornamental buildings. One of the ornamental buildings is the "Brick wall gate". Build this and then build a wooden fence (also ornamental building) underneath it.
Crop Rotator
Improve one of every type of farm with a tractor or silo in the Old and New World regions.
Just make a list of all type of farms and improve 1 of all of them. Should not be that hard. You could just buy the seeds from Madam Kahina or Isabel and put those seeds in a Trade union to get 1 farm of those 3 on an island together with the fertilities that do grow on that island. That way you do not have to build fuel stations on multiple islands to get this achievement.
As Far as the Eye Can See
Build at least 350 farm fields on any crop farm that requires this amount.
I used the grain farm for this. You need to improve the farm with a trade union with 4 items that boosts the number of fields of that farm. That way you cat get to 350 fields. Use the statistics menu to look for items that provide for extra modules.
Examples of items I used:

Fuel Efficient
Reach a global production rate of fuel of at least 100 tons per minute.
A maybe easy way/hack given by another player (Teee-Jaay) in this thread. You could build 26 fuel stations one by one on 1 island and pause them. Let them fill up with oil and when they are full start them all up asap so they reach full capacity at the same time.
See Teee-Jaay answer:
Land of Lions DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Land of Lions DLC. You'll then have access to Enbesa, a new region.
Unify Waha Desher, Kidusi Anitoni and Angareb to Enbesa
When going through the story in Enbesa you should get this achievement. Whatever choices you make, in the end you need to unify all the islands. So make sure all the islands and Ketima are happy and unified.
This quest could give some problems. There is currently a bug that do not let you progress the Waha Desher questline which results in not completing this challange because you can not unify Waha Desher. The Anno dev team already acknowledged the bug and it will probably be in the next patch.
In a new game I just did ALL the quests one at the time. So do not mix quests. Make sure to save from time to time so you can always go back again because some decisions in the questline could also result in not be able to unify all the islands.
Monumental Knowledge
Build the Research Institute
When you get to Enbesa and reach the region you will need to progress in the Enbesa story to get access to the building plans of the research institute.
Goatberg Variations
The goats sing: Mi Ti So Do and?
In the main capital of Enbesa in the center next to the market you have some goat dens. Clicking on a den let you hear a sound. All the sounds need to be played in the right order like the description and for the last you click the remaining den/sound.
Major Discoveries
Research all major discoveries at least once
When you have build the research institute you can research major discoveries like coffee in the old world, or rum in the old world. Reasearch at least once all the major discoveries.
Stir Crazy
Reach a seafood stew production rate of 25 tonnes per minute
Seafood is one of the food production goods on enbesa. Created with lobster. Reaching 25 tonnes per minute could be hard. Just expand the production enough.
The Wild Ones
Reach a population of 25,000 scholars
Scholars can be build when building the research institute. For that you need to progress in the Enbesa storyline to get the plans to build it. After that you can start expanding scholars. This will take some time because all the goods they need. Just keep expanding and make sure you produce enough goods for them. Because you need to research expansions for the campus it takes some time to be able to build enough housing for the scholars.
For all the quests underneath, you need the Docklands DLC.
General tip for Docklands to unlock all achievements
For most of the achievements you just need to keep expanding your docklands harbour and keep importing and exporting. There are not really shortcuts and it takes some time. My general tip would be to overproduce a lot of a really expensive good so you can export that good with a really nice ratio. Gramophones and Steam Carriages are good examples. Advanced Weapons is another one.
Devil of a Deal
Establish three Export/Import Contracts
At the beginning you can only use 1 export-import contract. You could build docklands main building on 3 different islands to be able to establish 3 contracts.
Another way is to wait and upgrade your docklands harbour building with other modules. This can be done once you exported and imported some goods and reached some levels with some of the goods on that island.
For the Long Haul
Unlock all of a trade partner's goods
All goods of 1 partner is enough to unlock this achievement. Choose one you like to focus on importing goods from. At the start only the first type of goods are available. Hover over the other goods to see what you need to do to unlock the other goods. Some of them will be unlocked once you have a certain number of import-export contracts (in total, so on all islands together), for others you need to import a certain amount of goods of a specific good.
The Actual Art of the Deal
Simultaneously have goods in every specialty slot
You need a product in every slot of the goods pyramid. So, level 1 > 4. Keep importing and exporting goods and you will manage to get enough goods in every level to fill it.
The Voiceless City
Build 100 docklands modules across all islands
You can do this by placing a Docklands main building with some modules on every island you own. Or You can wait until later when you can expand your main Docklands building on your main island with a lot of modules to create a massive harbour. Both work, but 100 modules on 1 island can be tricky. So dividing it over multiple islands makes it easier.
Snagging the Market
Upgrade 10 goods to Household Name level
Some people have problems with this one because they can not get more then one good in the highest level. The key here is that you need to remove the good in a slot if you want to replace it with another good, This is not only the case for the highest level but for all levels. So, if you want to upgrade a good from level 2 to level 1 there should not be any good in the slot of level 1.
I took 10 goods of really low cost ans that I could import from the traders to mass export. I imported the goods in amount of 3000-4000 with some really good ratio and next time the captain came back I exported the goods again. That way it went really fast to get 10 goods to Household Name level.
Flooding the Market
Export 50000t of any one good
Choose a really cheap good that you can mass produce on multiple islands (Wood for example or wool) and build a Docklands main building on all those islands. Export those goods again and again and it will be easy to reach this achievement. Or just keep playing and in the end you will also get it.
Known global issues with achievements:
Syncing problems between achievements and club challenges
Solution is to contact ubisoft support with evidence you do have obtained the achievements. This is a syncing problem and manually intervention is needed from ubisoft.
Chartered Company
This is sometimes not triggered and is a known bug in some cases with older savegames/gamesessions. Restarting a new game should solve this problem.
What's That Smell?
This is sometimes not triggered with older savegames. Newer players should not have a problem with this one.
- is meant to help people to get an easy place to find all answers for the challenges if needed. It can be copied to other platforms if people want to place that info there. A mention would be nice offcourse.
- contains spoilers and sometimes hacky methods to get the challenges. If you do not want to know stop reading
- is my opinion/view on how to get them. I'm sure there are many more ways to get some of the challenges. Feel free to comment and I can update the list with multiple answers. I scrapped a lot of them from the bottom of the internet with my salvager but thought it would be good to put them all together in 1 place.
- is divided in what you would get in a normal playthrough (campaign/sandbox) and challenges that need extra attention/effort
Use ctrl/cmd-f to search on this page if you need a specific challenge
I'll Update this post in the future based on more info and comments.
Challenges you get in a normal playthrough
Base game
Winter Is Coming
Have 10t of Bread, Fish, Beer, Schnapps and Canned Food in stock.
No special effort is needed for this one. Just play and you wil get the goods eventually when reaching Artisans. Overproduce a bit so your storage is always filling up.
Back in Business (campaign only)
Fulfill Sir Archibald Blake's bulk order.
This is part of the questline. You can not miss it. Just provide Archibald with the goods.
Gold Digger
Reach 100,000 coins in one company.
No special effort is needed for this one. Just play and you wil get the coins eventually. If you want moneymaking tips. Some of the most popular early game are: overproducing soap and sell the soap to Eli (prison). Another one is making ships and sell the ships to Archibald. Set every product to sell that you overproduce in your harbor, that way you also get some extra income.
A Ticket Home (campaign only)
Obtain a ticket home.
This is basicly the first stage of the campaign. If you use the dynamite for the fish and bring the fish to the coast you will eventually obtain the ticket to go home. Can not be missed, is part of the campaign.
Nosey Parker (campaign only)
Open the letter you were asked to deliver to Eli Bleakworth.
Decide if you want to be discreet or not. This is a challenge with 2 outcomes. If you open the letter you will get this achievement, if you do not open the letter you will get the "Discreet " achievement. Save the game. Open the letter and deliver it so you get the achievement. Then load the game again and do not open the letter to get the "Discreet " achievement,
Discreet (campaign only)
Deliver the letter to Eli Bleakworth unopened.
Decide if you want to be discreet or not. This is a challenge with 2 outcomes. If you open the letter you will get this achievement, if you do not open the letter you will get the "Discreet " achievement. Save the game. Open the letter and deliver it so you get the achievement. Then load the game again and do not open the letter to get the "Discreet " achievement,
Isabel Found (campaign only)
Discover the New World in the campaign.
At the artisan level you will be able to do expeditions. Do the expedition and go to the new world, a new map with all new possibilities. Discover the new AI player, Isabel there. Can not be missed, is part of the campaign.
Special Operations (campaign only)
Rescue Isabel's comrades.
At a certain stage in the campaign Isabel will ask you to save people for her. Make sure you have some ships ready to pick them up. Always make sure you have ships with cannons to counter a possible attack during the rescues. Can not be missed, is part of the campaign.
The Truth Uncovered (campaign only)
Learn the secret behind your father's death
You'll learn why your father did some things... Can not be missed, is part of the campaign.
Climate Change Denier
Build a power plant.
If you get to engineers, you will need to build a power plant to fullfill the need for electricity. Connect the power plant with the railwaynetwork that goes to the oil refineries and oil harbour. To start, you can use oil from the old world. If you settle on your first island in the old world. Make sure you have some oil fields on that island. In that case you can cover the first oil hunger of your citizen and you do not have to build oil tankers in the first stage to get the oil to that island.
In theory, it would also work with the gas power plant. But the chance you get a gas power plant before an oil power plant is almost not possible.
Full Steam Ahead!
Build a steam ship.
You need the steam shipyard for this (Engineers). A steam shipyard needs electricity.
Eventually, you will build a cargo ship, monitor, battlecruiser or oil tanker. So this challenge will not be that hard. If you move goods from the new world to the old world or Cape (DLC), cargo ships are a must in later stages when you have a lot of investors!
Choo Choo!
Own your first train.
You'll need oil for the power plants. The oil is always transported with a train on an island. If you build the oil refineries you also need an oil harbour to store the oil. Connect those 2 with railways and you will see the train coming out of the oil harbour. This train will transport the oild from the oil refineries to the oil harbour and power plants.
Dutiful Child (campaign only)
Read the whole of your father's diary.
You'll learn why your father did some things... Can not be missed, is part of the campaign.
Build a battle cruiser.
This is a steamship and is build in the steam shipyard (Engineers). This shipyard needs electricity. Eventually, you will build a battlecruiser. So this challenge will not be that hard. Technically you do not need a battlecruiser to win, but chances are big you do build one out of curiosity. If you find it hard to get the advanced weapons production, you can always buy some advanced weapons from the pirates if you have good relations with them. Or you can get them by sinking some pirate ships or taking over islands from other AI.
Play ANNO 1800.
Just play

Challenges that require extra effort
Base game
Complete all Classic Challenges offering Club Units in ANNO 1800
Speaks for itself... You need to complete all classic challenges that offer club units.
No Business like Ship Business
Sell 5 Schooners.
Can be done really early in the game. Just build and sell 5 schooners to Archibald. It is also a way earlygame to get some extra money. Timber and sails are easy to get to. Important to know is that Archibald offcourse needs to be in your game. So make sure you added them when setting up the game. This is an AI that does not settle any other islands then the one he has at the start.
City Planner
Have 10 buildings planned in blueprint mode.

Use the blueprint mode (bottom-right corner of the building panel at the bottom of the screen) to build 10 buildings in blueprint mode. You can upgrade them after. You do not know this building mode? This mode let you plan building buildings without paying for them. You can layout a whole city without paying the materials. That way you can plan ahead. Once you have the materials you can upgrade the blueprints.
Fire and Rescue | Supply Chain Management (campaign only)
Find all the arsonists and evacuate Bright Sands | Defend all royal supply ships and destroy all supplies of your enemy.
Those quests are at the end of the campaign. After you complete building the courthouse, the Pyrphorians arrive. There are 2 sets of ships. One set in the harbouof Bright Sands and another set will attack your harbour. You can kill the set that attacks your harbour but DO NOT attack the other set in the harbour of Bright Sands (yet). If you do, the campaign will end and you will not be able to get "Fire and Rescue" and the "Supply Chain Management" quest.
Ather a couple of minutes and when all dialogues are done 3 Pyrphorian ships will appear at the map together with the quest "Fire Fighting". They will just patrol. You can go kill them and get the items to equip your ships. A bit later the quest for "Supply Chain Management" will pop up. The quest "Sovereign Aid". You'll have to protect a ship that needs to get to the Queens ship in your harbour. Make sure to send enough protection. Once tthe ship reaches the queens ship and the item is transfered you will complete the challenge "Supply Chain Management".
Then for "Fire and Rescue" you immediatly have to find 5 arsonists that causing trouble on your main island. You have 2min to find 5 of them. Save the game immediatly when you get the quest so you can always load the game again if time runs out. Once you find them you need to save some people on the other side of Bright Sands that want to escape. Slip past the ships and bring them home to your main island. So, that is it! The "Fire and Rescue" challenge is also now completed!
Chartered Company
Reach Investors using only charter routes.
Explanation speaks for itself. Only use charter routes to reach investors. No trade routes. also NO oil routes.
Make sure you settle an island in the beginning that has oild fields and the most important fertilities. Otherwise you will not be able to provide the engineers with oil for the power plant without an oil route. The more fertilities the less charter routes you will need.
Never click on the trade route button.
This quest can be bugged. Starting a new gamesession schould trigger it correctly when reaching it. I tried it in a campaign but it did NOT trigger... I tried it in a sandboxgame and it did trigger.
If you want more info about this topic a comment in this thread from Capt_Flameheart about how to get it and what the problems could be can be found via this link (huge thank you!):
For Company,... (campaign only)
Finish the campaign on normal difficulty.
This and both "...Queen,..." and "...and Empire." achievements can be obtained at the same time. For newer players I would not recommend to immediatly start on expert difficulty, but if you finish the campaign on expert difficulty you will recieve the three achievements for normal, advanced and expert difficulty. For newer players I would recommend trying it the first time on normal difficulty and then play the campaign again on expert to obtain the other 2 achievements.
...Queen,... (campaign only)
Finish the campaign on advanced difficulty.
This and both "For Company,..." and "...and Empire." achievements can be obtained at the same time. For newer players I would not recommend to immediatly start on expert difficulty, but if you finish the campaign on expert difficulty you will recieve the three achievements for normal, advanced and expert difficulty. For newer players I would recommend trying it the first time on normal difficulty and then play the campaign again on expert to obtain the other 2 achievements.
...and Empire. (campaign only)
Finish the campaign on expert difficulty.
This and both "...Queen,..." and "For Company,..." achievements can be obtained at the same time. For newer players I would not recommend to immediatly start on expert difficulty, but if you finish the campaign on expert difficulty you will recieve the three achievements for normal, advanced and expert difficulty. For newer players I would recommend trying it the first time on normal difficulty and then play the campaign again on expert to obtain the other 2 achievements.
Great Exhibitionist
Organise an exhibition.
Organise an exhibition in the World's fair. This building is unlocked at the investors level.
Party Like It's 1851
Organise a truly sumptuous exhibition.
Organise an exhibition of the highest level in the World's fair. This building is unlocked at the investors level. The sumptuous tier is unlocked with 10 000 investors.
On a Knife Edge
Finish an expedition with morale below 15%.
Maybe you get your ships back from expeditions before morale is running out to make sure you do not loose your ship and crew. Try to match that with a morale below 15% and get this achievement. Or, just take your chances and let the morale go low and pray for a good end. You can also save your game before opening the expedition and reload if it ends badly. Be aware of the fact that sometimes the outcome will always be bad. Even if you choose the other options in the expedition.
Win a game with the highest possible difficulty score.
You have 3 levels of difficulty. To get this achievement you need to win a game with the highest difficulty, not only level 3, but the difficulty bar need to be completly filled. This means custom settings where you disable Archie, Mdm Kahina and Eli, Add all slots with 3* AI, and put every setting on the most difficult
I got this achievement in a fast custom game of 45min. I set the winning conditions on 5000 citizen and then grinded / spammed houses and upgraded to artisans. Easy way to do actually. You do not even need to fight against the AI if you do not want to.
Fake News
Swap all the articles in a newspaper and then publish it.
Speaks for itself...
Isambard's Kingdom
Build wood, stone and railway bridges.
Bridges are build across rivers. Build all 3 types. Stone is unlocked at workers tier, railwaybridges at engineer tier.
One for all, all for one.
Play a multiplayer match with 3 other players.
Start a game with 3 other players. The best way to find those players is the Annoverse Discord channel.
You can chat with other people in some channels to arrange a game together. This forum is not ideal for that.
What's That Smell?
Have a burning sailing ship.
You need to obtain a ship that can spit fire. This can be a Pyrphorian ship you can buy from the pirates or build by obtaining an item that let you build those ships. Other way is to buy a flamethrower from the pirates and equip it to one of your ships. Burn down a ship from an AI or pirate to get this achievement.
Form an alliance with both Bente Jorgensen and Princess Qing.
Bente Jorgensen and Princess Qing are both easy AI. This can be the first game you play te learn the game. Both are really easy to get an alliance with. First get the reputation up to 100% by completing quests, flatter,...
Make someone happy by building a bank.
Build a bank with Beryl O'Mara in your game. I had lower military and economy then her and did NOT have an alliance and it triggered. So I can confirm that. I had 100% reputation and trade rights.
Thank you, Mr. Scrooge.
Lure Carl Leonard von Malching into gifting you money.
Play a game with Carl Leonard von Malching, get a good reputation with him and try going bankrupt/ have negative cash/cashflow. He will help you out. That is wahat some people say... Although I would not recommend. I tried it and failed multiple times. I lost the game (you can actually loose the game when going in the negative number of money for some time. Never had that in the last years/versions of playing Anno and did not know it was possible

I'll recommend just playing the game, keeping a good reputation with him. No alliance is needed. I got it in a campaign game (sandbox will also be possible) when reaching the new world and settling there. As a reward all other AI gave me some money, and Carl also. He had higher military and economy then me, so it is also possible without that.
Show me the money!
Obtain all Club Rewards in ANNO 1800.
In Uplay you have the club rewards where you can obtain new portraits, emblems, cosmetical items to use ingame. To unlock this achievement you have to obtain all those rewards. Indeed, it costs Uplay credits. Make sure to finish all the other challenges/achievements to obtain those credits.
World Peace
Form alliances with all players and pirates.
This could be hard to get if you choose the wrong opponents. You could do this with an easy game with easy AI. Bente and Princess Qing are easy ones. But it is definetly possible with harder AI. Just make sure you get to 100 reputation with all of them by doing quests, flatter,... First step is to make sure you get ceasefire and trade agreements. Once you can trade buy and sell a lot of goods for easy reputation. For pirates this could be a bit harder but try to get a ceasefire first. Pay for this if needed. If you get that try to build up by flatter and then a trade agreement. Once you get trade going it would go smooth. Keep doing quests and trade to keep the reputation up. Once the reputation is at 100% it should be easy to get an alliance. Hugo is an exception but read more about this in the Syndicalism achievement.
Anarchist DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Anarchist DLC and Hugo Mercier as an AI in your game.
Spread Anarchy
Publish at least one of Dr.Hugo Mercier's propaganda articles in your newspaper.
When publishing a newspaper you can now use some anarchist articles. Use one of those as a replacement.
Establish an alliance with Dr. Hugo Mercier.
This is a hard one for some people and also costed me some time. First of all you need 100 reputation with him. Follow the basic principles of getting 100 reputation (quests, flatter, getting ceasefire, non-aggression pact, trage rights, trading goods, peace,...). Then comes the hard part. With the other AI, you can just ask for an alliance and they will say Yes. With Hugo it is different. You will see that based on the chance your request gets. Probably Low or something even worse. The key here is to get higher Military AND Economy then Hugo. You can see that on the right in the diplomacy section and by clicking on hugo. It costed me a lot of effort to get higher military. I build ships, he does the same. I build military defense buildings, he does the same. I could not get higher military then him just by building more. Economy was no problem, I just had more islands and more production. To get better military I did different things. I declared war on him almost defeated him and them build up my reputation again. But by the time I got the reputation again to be able to ask for an alliance he got again a big military fleet. So... I had to find something else. I used an item that can be obtained from the AI or from expeditions, quests,... The "Black Flag". This is an item that can be put inside an attack ship and that lets you attack an island/ship without declaring war. It will affect some reputation but not that much so you can just build it up with trade really fast. The black flag has a cooldown so some planning is needed. You can buy the black flag from pirates. At this stage I had enough money to just keep rolling untill I got 30+ flags and put them all in battlecruisers. I placed some groups outside different islands and just destroyed some islands and ships in the 5min period I got. Then waited 20min (cooldown) and did it again and again... Untill I got higher military then him. I made sure to keep bumping up the reputation with trade in that 20min cooldown. Just buying random stuff from him does the trick.
Anarchy is Dead
Defeat Dr. Hugo Mercier.
Can be done by just defeating him or with a trick that can also be used together with the achievement "Anarchy is Dead". This is somewhat hacky and maybe not "fair" to do, but it works. Load a game only with Hugo as an opponent. When the game is loaded Hugo will sail to an island. Follow him and right before he settles on that island settle it yourself. Declare war on him and start attacking. You harbour should do some damage so you have damage advantage and destroy his flagship and with that win the game and defeat Hugo.
The Better Anarchist
Defeat Dr. Hugo Mercier without luxury needs, public services or police stations.
Can be done by using a trick that can also be used together with the achievement "The Better Anarchist". This is somewhat hacky and maybe not "fair" to do, but it works. Load a game only with Hugo as an opponent. When the game is loaded Hugo will sail to an island. Follow him and right before he settles on that island settle it yourself. Declare war on him and start attacking. You harbour should do some damage so you have damage advantage and destroy his flagship and with that win the game and defeat Hugo.
Propaganda of the Deed
Complete 20 anarchy resident quests.*Tip: quests that are given with ultimatum only count towards the achievement
This is a really hard one and a lot of people are struggling with this one.
Be aware that this explanation of this achievement is going to be long

The quests you need to complete are the quests unhappy residents/anarchist give you. Those can be workers and artisans. They threaten you to do/complete something otherwise they would revolt, or give you a present because they are happy. Do not confuse those quests with the defectors that want to join your island. Those are different quests, but rumors are that the ones that will revolt/thank you are the ones that before joined your island. That would be logical. (More about this later in this explanation)
For a lot of people all of a sudden the quests stop happening (happened 4x for me in 4 different games). A lot is been written about this on the internet and I finally got it and will be writing my findings here to help other people to get this achievement..
First of all, I struggled a lot with this, really, a lot. Searched on the internet but could not actually find something clear that has some steps you could follow. After 4 times I thought it was just bugged for me. I contacted Ubisoft support with my frustrations multiple times but always got the respons "this is not bugged". I also went to the Annoverse Discord channel but also there it was just guessing what could went wrong. A lot of people wanted to help (big thanks to all of them) but I could not find a clear solution.
So, I decided to start over for the 5th time but now I would do everything different and write down every step I took to see where I did go wrong or went right.
First difference is that I just started without a DLC. So, with the basegame and The anarchist. That would result narrowing down a lot of things. I disabled pirates, no other AI only Hugo Mercier. All settings were on easy (fertilities,...). Winning conditions to none.
The first big difference between the other games (where the quests stopped all of a sudden) was that once I went to Cape Trelawney I almost stopped developping the Old World. I did use some things from the Old World but did not expand it as I should and development there came almost to a hold.Good to know that the Old world =/= Cape Trelawney even they have the same fertilities.
I decided to grind all the quests without even go to the new World. Well, that was the plan at the start

I just started building on 1 island, expanding and doing quests for Hugo. I did not do any quests for other AI. Step by step. At 1600 workers, I got the first defectors that wanted to join my island. I was level 3 at that time.
Full list of defectors wanted to join my island with more info:
Hours/min is the ingame playtime. So not the real time that I was playing. I played most of the time at 3x speed. In the beginning I did not write down all the info.

Some other players already found some info after some datamining that the first quest that counts towards this achievement will be given once you reach Artisans, this was indeed the case for me. I got the "City Status" and had just upped some worker houses to 1000 Artisan houses and the quest popped up. At that time I was also using Anarchist propaganda.
Full list of revolting/thanking anarchists:
Hours/min is the ingame playtime. So not the real time that I was playing. I played most of the time at 3x speed. In the beginning I did not write down all the info.

Good to know is that I never failed one of the missions. In the datamining it was found that there is then a cooldown period of 25 hours.
I only did missions for defectors or Hugo Mercier. Not for other AI. I did more then 25 quests (stopped counting after 25) for him including the Storyline quests (No gods,...).
I also get the quest (multiple times) with dissidents/defectors where you have to choose to bring them back to Mercier or let them join your island. (not the same as the defectors that are in your harbour and ask to join your island!) I always choose to bring them to my island. I also failed that one 1 time because I had to sneak behind Hugo's ships and my ship was trapped between harbour buildings. Quests kept popping up so failing or bringing them to your island do not screw up the achievement quests.
Global remarks I wrote down during playing:
- I used Anarchist propaganda from Hugo. I still got the achievement quests. I also use propaganda to decrease consumption, but when I added those to the newspaper quests did not seem to pop up anymore. (See timestamp Inbetween 13-14 > 11hours without a quest) I can not be certain that that blocked it, but once I stopped using it the quests popped up again.
- the quests can pop up on all the islands, not only the main island.
- I did do residents quests so that and that had no influence
- I had good relationships with Hugo (100 rep, Trade rights,...). So, A good relationship is ok. A bad, no idea...
- I bought shares from Hugo's island. It did not break the quests (and offcourse bought back the shares he took of my own islands)
- I had negative and positive balance and in both circumstances got quests, so this is ok
- I did have churches, Variety theatres
- I failed quests for Hugo but kept getting the achievement quests
- Game crasht (DirextX error because of my AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT... ugh... ) and did not save after a quest. When I loaded the game I got the next quest exactly at the same timestamp as the one before the crash.
- I had a couple of Anarchist items in town halls on my main island. But also on the other islands where I had no town halls with items the quests popped up. So not really sure those items have an influence.
- To keep expanding I went to the New World to be able to provide enough Rum to the artisans and higher tiers. I was originally not planning to do that but did it anyway (hoping it would not bug the game). It did not, thankfully.
- I had multiple islands with Artisan tiers and 1 main island with Investors. The investors and Engineers were provided by goods I bought from Hugo and the other AI.
So that was it... To summarize:
I think the most important thing is to keep expanding in the Old World and not only Cape Trelawney. Build multiple islands and do not leave the Old World sitting there if you go to Cape Trelawney. Also take your time.
You can see the number of defectors wanting to join your island are not 1:1 ration to the quests. So, it could have an influence but not 1:1.
The interval between quests are from 30min > a couple of hours. What defines the interval is still a mystery. But the fact that it is never less and sometimes exactly 30min is a good indicator.
In my personal experience, if you are like me stuck on this mission and tired of getting frustrated I would play it like I did... in a single speedy game without a DLC's where you do not do anything else. It took me 2 evenings to play that 40hours ingame almost the whole time on 3x speed. If it is your first time with Hugo in your game you can just see if you get it in "your normal playstyle".
No God, No Master
Complete Dr. Hugo Mercier's Main Arc.
This is the main questline Hugo gives you. After +/- 20 normal quests from Hugo this questline will start.
Sunken Treasures DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Sunken Treasures DLC. You'll then have access to a new region, Cape Trelawney.
Supply a Metropolis (1750 Investors) on Crown Falls via trade routes only for 5 minutes.
You can do this with an existing game or a new game. At a certain point in time when you have a metropolis on Crown falls (the big island in Cape Trelawney) you have to destroy ALL production buildings on the island and make sure your metropolis is provided with everything it needs. Destroying all production buildings includes lumberjacks, fisheries, mines,... You can just save before destroying everything. Destroy everything speed time up 3x wait untill the achievement pops up and then load your savegame again. Use a stopwatch or look at the clock to make sure the time has passed by.
The Queen's Favour
Complete the story quest "The Great Exhibition".
If you follow the questlines you'll be able to complete this.
An Ocean of Knowledge
Complete all the cultural sets from Sunken Treasures
The only advice I can give here is have patience and a lot of work. Do exibitions, dive for treasures, buy maps for treasures, do expeditions,... If you miss some of them go to the statistics section, go to the items tab, select the items you do not have from the cultural tab, click on the item, on the right select "Ïtem source" and find out how you can obtain the item. For expeditions try to think as clear as possible what would be a logic place to get that animal, artifact,... The artic specific things will be from expeditions to that region, ect... If you miss some of the items that can be obtained by holding expositions the Anno wiki is a really good help to know exactly how to get the item. Sometimes you need a specific level or even a level withing that level.
The Glamorous Life
Reach the Glamorous attractiveness level on a City or higher on Crown Falls
Just keep playing a game you are really comfortable with. Keep building houses and expand production chains to be able to provide for your population. The best island to put that much people on is in Cape Trelawney. The big island is perfect for a lot of people.
Seriously Invested
Reach 50000 Investors on Crown Falls
Just keep playing a game you are really comfortable with. Keep building houses and expand production chains to be able to provide for 50 000 investors. The best island to put that much people on is in Cape Trelawney. The big island is perfect for a lot of people.
Into the Depths
Use the Diving Bell for the first time
In Cape Trelawney you can obtain the salvager from Old Nate. This is part of the DLC questline. With this special ship you can dive for treasures. Use this to get this achievement.
Botanica DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Botanica DLC. You'll then have access to a new cultural building, the Botanical garden. Same kind of building as the Zoo and Museum but for plants.
Gardens of Babylon
Reach 2500 attractiveness points in a Botanical Garden
You will need a lot of plots and so, a lot of influence and also a lot of high point plants to reach the 2500 attractiveness. Later in the game this will be possible. Just keep playing, do expeditions for plants, quests, expositions. You could use the "Estate Collections Act" from the palace if you have the Seat of Power DLC to boost the attractiveness for completing sets. Otherwise just build enough investors to be able to build more plots to insert more plants to get more attractiveness.
Coming Up Roses
Complete a Botanical Expedition
Complete a Botanical expedition and that would be enough.
Sounds Familiar
Equip a Music Pavilion with sheet music from Anno
In the museum, Zoo and Botanical garden you can build music pavilions that boost attractiveness (right of the icon to add an extra plot). You need to insert music sheets. You can get those sheets by completing missions or buy them from Archibald.
City in Bloom
Place the first botanical ornament in a Cultural Building
In the museum, Zoo and Botanical garden you can build extra cultural ornaments (left of the icon to add an extra plot). One of those categories are botanical ornaments like gardens. You get them by completing quests or you can buy them from Archibald or Madame Kahina. Build one of those next to a plot of that cultural building.
Encyclopaedia Botanica
Complete all the cultural sets for the Botanical Garden.
The only advice I can give here is have patience and a lot of work. Do exibitions, dive for treasures, buy maps for treasures, do expeditions,... If you miss some of them go to the statistics section, go to the items tab, select the items you do not have from the cultural tab, click on the item, on the right select "Ïtem source" and find out how you can obtain the item. For expeditions try to think as clear as possible what would be a logic place to get that animal, artifact,... The artic specific things will be from expeditions to that region, ect... If you miss some of the items that can be obtained by holding expositions the Anno wiki is a really good help to know exactly how to get the item. Sometimes you need a specific level or even a level withing that level.
Build all the botanical ornaments in any Cultural Building
Like "City in Bloom" you need to build botanical ornaments in a cultural building. But for this achievement you need to build all of them. So all gardens (all colors + other types), ect. You can buy then from Archibald or Madame Kahina and just roll for them untill you have them all.
The Passage DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Passage DLC. You'll then have access to a session, the Arctic.
Aero Tycoon
Build one Hangar on each of the 4 Arctic Plateaus
This is probably something to do lategame when you can provide the coal, canned food, coffee and all arctic production for your islands and the 4 plateaus together. Because you can not build any production on those plateaus expect for gas.Normal ships can also not deliver any goods to the plateaus. You'll need airships to deliver the goods to the plateaus (trade routes) and a good overproduction of all the goods. Also a lot of building materials need to be imported from the other sessions (steel, concrete, steam machines...) to complete all the hangars. Use items you can get from the Inuit to lower the amount of goods your people need.
The Lost Expedition
Find Sir John Faithful's lost expedition to the Northwest Passage
This is part of the questline in the arctic. Just follow the steps and you will get it.
Stick Together
Complete 10 Inuit or arctic residents' quests.
Just accept all the quests they give you and complete them. Inuit ask for (alpaca) wool, some basic goods you produce in the arctic like seal skin, taking
a photo,... The residents ask for multiple things. Photographs, even pocket watches and champagne,
Complete all the cultural sets from the Arctic
The only advice I can give here is have patience and a lot of work. Do exibitions, dive for treasures, buy maps for treasures, do expeditions,... If you miss some of them go to the statistics section, go to the items tab, select the items you do not have from the cultural tab, click on the item, on the right select "Ïtem source" and find out how you can obtain the item. For expeditions try to think as clear as possible what would be a logic place to get that animal, artifact,... The artic specific things will be from expeditions to that region, ect... If you miss some of the items that can be obtained by holding expositions the Anno wiki is a really good help to know exactly how to get the item. Sometimes you need a specific level or even a level withing that level.
Fuel Imports
Don't build a Charcoal Kiln in the Arctic until you pass 1000 Technicians
The only advice I would give is make sure to produce a lot of coal before setteling on the arctic and provide all the coal steady with cargo ships. This is easy if you expand the warehouse capacity so the ships have some time to get there without running low on coal.
Environmental Campaigner
Having passed 500 Technicians, turn off Heaters heating residences for 60 minutes.
You could do this in an existing game. Just save the game and destroy all the heaters. Make sure the citizen have all other goods to keep them warm. Speed up time 3x and set a stopwatch. Just let the time pass by and the achievement should pop up. If not you forgot a heater. Load the savegame againg and try again. After you get it just load your savegame again. Your people will be freezing but they will survive...
Seat of Power DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Seat of Power DLC. You'll then have access to a building called the Palace.
All Under Control
Unlock all the Departments of the Palace
Speaks for itself...
Cultural Capitol
Have at least a Zoo, a Museum, a World's Fair and a Public Mooring within the Palace's range for 30 minutes
Make sure to build it close to eachother so the range is ok between all buildings.
Another player mentioned it can also be obtained by just placing the blueprints for the palace. Could be a nice hack if you do not have the building materials (yet). See post of SallyBanno here:
Apparatus of State
Have at least one Trade Union, Town Hall and Harbourmaster's Office with 4 item slots equipped each
Your prestige level need to be high enough for this so you have the right policy levels. Click on the policy overview to see all the policies together. You'll need the +1 policy for trade union, Town hall and Harbourmaster's Office. If you activate those build all tree of them in range of the palace and fill them with 4 items. You could also use the local departments to be in range of one of the 3 buildings to get the 4 slots.
Prime Minister
Unlock all the Policies of the Palace
Raise your population, get more influence, build more attractiveness buildings (zoo, museum, botanical garden). Make sure you get more investors for influence so you can build more attractiveness buildings.
Build 40 wings for the Palace
Make sure to have a lot of building materials because those wings cost a lot... But in the end you are at a lategame stage so that should not be a problem. To be able to build more wings raise the attractiveness by building more cultural buildings.
Bright Harvest DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Bright Harvest DLC. You'll then have access to tractors and silo's for farms.
Long Term Grains
Have one working silo in the Old World Region.
This is an easy mission you get when the DLC is activated. Just build a silo at one of the animal farms when you have access to grain (workers).
Traction Control
Have at least 10 farms with working tractors supplied by only one fuel station.
Choose an island that already has oil wells on it and existing farms that already are in use. Build a refinery on this island and build 10 tractor barns with a fuel station connected to it.
Flawless Defence
Build a wooden fence entrance underneath a brick wall gate.
This could be tricky if you do not know where to find those buildings. The buildings they are talking about are ornamental buildings. One of the ornamental buildings is the "Brick wall gate". Build this and then build a wooden fence (also ornamental building) underneath it.
Crop Rotator
Improve one of every type of farm with a tractor or silo in the Old and New World regions.
Just make a list of all type of farms and improve 1 of all of them. Should not be that hard. You could just buy the seeds from Madam Kahina or Isabel and put those seeds in a Trade union to get 1 farm of those 3 on an island together with the fertilities that do grow on that island. That way you do not have to build fuel stations on multiple islands to get this achievement.
As Far as the Eye Can See
Build at least 350 farm fields on any crop farm that requires this amount.
I used the grain farm for this. You need to improve the farm with a trade union with 4 items that boosts the number of fields of that farm. That way you cat get to 350 fields. Use the statistics menu to look for items that provide for extra modules.
Examples of items I used:

Fuel Efficient
Reach a global production rate of fuel of at least 100 tons per minute.
A maybe easy way/hack given by another player (Teee-Jaay) in this thread. You could build 26 fuel stations one by one on 1 island and pause them. Let them fill up with oil and when they are full start them all up asap so they reach full capacity at the same time.
See Teee-Jaay answer:
Land of Lions DLC
For all the quests underneath, you need the Land of Lions DLC. You'll then have access to Enbesa, a new region.
Unify Waha Desher, Kidusi Anitoni and Angareb to Enbesa
When going through the story in Enbesa you should get this achievement. Whatever choices you make, in the end you need to unify all the islands. So make sure all the islands and Ketima are happy and unified.
This quest could give some problems. There is currently a bug that do not let you progress the Waha Desher questline which results in not completing this challange because you can not unify Waha Desher. The Anno dev team already acknowledged the bug and it will probably be in the next patch.
In a new game I just did ALL the quests one at the time. So do not mix quests. Make sure to save from time to time so you can always go back again because some decisions in the questline could also result in not be able to unify all the islands.
Monumental Knowledge
Build the Research Institute
When you get to Enbesa and reach the region you will need to progress in the Enbesa story to get access to the building plans of the research institute.
Goatberg Variations
The goats sing: Mi Ti So Do and?
In the main capital of Enbesa in the center next to the market you have some goat dens. Clicking on a den let you hear a sound. All the sounds need to be played in the right order like the description and for the last you click the remaining den/sound.
Major Discoveries
Research all major discoveries at least once
When you have build the research institute you can research major discoveries like coffee in the old world, or rum in the old world. Reasearch at least once all the major discoveries.
Stir Crazy
Reach a seafood stew production rate of 25 tonnes per minute
Seafood is one of the food production goods on enbesa. Created with lobster. Reaching 25 tonnes per minute could be hard. Just expand the production enough.
The Wild Ones
Reach a population of 25,000 scholars
Scholars can be build when building the research institute. For that you need to progress in the Enbesa storyline to get the plans to build it. After that you can start expanding scholars. This will take some time because all the goods they need. Just keep expanding and make sure you produce enough goods for them. Because you need to research expansions for the campus it takes some time to be able to build enough housing for the scholars.
For all the quests underneath, you need the Docklands DLC.
General tip for Docklands to unlock all achievements
For most of the achievements you just need to keep expanding your docklands harbour and keep importing and exporting. There are not really shortcuts and it takes some time. My general tip would be to overproduce a lot of a really expensive good so you can export that good with a really nice ratio. Gramophones and Steam Carriages are good examples. Advanced Weapons is another one.
Devil of a Deal
Establish three Export/Import Contracts
At the beginning you can only use 1 export-import contract. You could build docklands main building on 3 different islands to be able to establish 3 contracts.
Another way is to wait and upgrade your docklands harbour building with other modules. This can be done once you exported and imported some goods and reached some levels with some of the goods on that island.
For the Long Haul
Unlock all of a trade partner's goods
All goods of 1 partner is enough to unlock this achievement. Choose one you like to focus on importing goods from. At the start only the first type of goods are available. Hover over the other goods to see what you need to do to unlock the other goods. Some of them will be unlocked once you have a certain number of import-export contracts (in total, so on all islands together), for others you need to import a certain amount of goods of a specific good.
The Actual Art of the Deal
Simultaneously have goods in every specialty slot
You need a product in every slot of the goods pyramid. So, level 1 > 4. Keep importing and exporting goods and you will manage to get enough goods in every level to fill it.
The Voiceless City
Build 100 docklands modules across all islands
You can do this by placing a Docklands main building with some modules on every island you own. Or You can wait until later when you can expand your main Docklands building on your main island with a lot of modules to create a massive harbour. Both work, but 100 modules on 1 island can be tricky. So dividing it over multiple islands makes it easier.
Snagging the Market
Upgrade 10 goods to Household Name level
Some people have problems with this one because they can not get more then one good in the highest level. The key here is that you need to remove the good in a slot if you want to replace it with another good, This is not only the case for the highest level but for all levels. So, if you want to upgrade a good from level 2 to level 1 there should not be any good in the slot of level 1.
I took 10 goods of really low cost ans that I could import from the traders to mass export. I imported the goods in amount of 3000-4000 with some really good ratio and next time the captain came back I exported the goods again. That way it went really fast to get 10 goods to Household Name level.
Flooding the Market
Export 50000t of any one good
Choose a really cheap good that you can mass produce on multiple islands (Wood for example or wool) and build a Docklands main building on all those islands. Export those goods again and again and it will be easy to reach this achievement. Or just keep playing and in the end you will also get it.
Known global issues with achievements:
Syncing problems between achievements and club challenges
Solution is to contact ubisoft support with evidence you do have obtained the achievements. This is a syncing problem and manually intervention is needed from ubisoft.
Chartered Company
This is sometimes not triggered and is a known bug in some cases with older savegames/gamesessions. Restarting a new game should solve this problem.
What's That Smell?
This is sometimes not triggered with older savegames. Newer players should not have a problem with this one.