Original Post — Direct link
From the moment I pre-ordered Anno 1800 on Steam and Ubisoft decided to same 8% in merchant fees we were told ""and Steam owners will be able to access the game and any future updates or DLC through Steam."

This is NOT true. You cannot purchase the Content pack DLC ANYWHERE if you own the steam version. I actually purchased the DLC from the Ubisoft store, only now to find out it's not compatible with my version of the game.

Ubisoft blue byte, should not make such blatently false statements. Now any future DLC for Anno 1800 I may not be able to add to my base game unless I purchase it again from a different retailer.

I'm giving all my Ubisoft titles now negative ratings because of this false advertising.
over 5 years ago - UbiCosmos - Direct link
Hello flacwby,

Welcome to the forums! You can purchase all of the DLC content and all extra content on Steam. I will link everything below for you.

Here is the Holiday Pack

Here is The Passage Standalone

Here is Botanica standalone

Here is Sunken Treasures standalone

Here is the Season Pass

Here is the Deluxe Pack

That should be everything. Please reach out to our Support Team about accidentally purchasing the DLC content on Uplay. They can assist you with this.
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Com_Raven - Direct link
And the Holiday Pack can be found here: