Original Post — Direct link

For the first Skyline Tower I didn't know I was to receive a Trade Union item as a reward for finishing it fast. So, I didn't bother to do so. Also, I wasn't aware of the importance of this item.
As my cities grew, I'm now at the point where I've built a second and a third Skyline Tower. I constructed these really fast, because I had everything that was required. However, I didn't receive any Performance Medal. Is this item unique or am I supposed to be rewarded for every Skyline Tower I build?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link

@blendmode @Asterix201252 Hi !

I've taken note of your feedback regarding quest rewards.

@Asterix201252 I've replied on the post you mention about orchard items, don't hesitate to check out my reply there !

If you have questions, or for any other issue, feel free to reach out !