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The delivery radius of orchards is very large. This causes carts to travel very long distances to deliver the resource to their respective factories. This causes the factories run out of the input resource and end up halting production whilst waiting for the goods to be delivered. Also, since the input resource is coming directly from the orchard, the factory carts do not pick up this input resource from a warehouse.

I haven't played in a few months so I don't know in which update this bug appeared but I am playing on version 13.2.1079515. I have also verified the game files.

I don't know if this is affects only Orchards but I found a Reddit comment which lists other buildings which have the same issue:
Pig farm, Rendering works, Slaughterhouse, Advanced rum distillery, Advanced cotton mill, Advanced coffee roaster, Marquetry workshop (Old World and New World), Hunting cabin, Chemical factories (OW and NW), Orchards.

Attached some images with descriptions below:

Location of the Cherry Wood Orchard and Cognac Workshop - you can see the distance the cart has to take as shown by the yellow line. You can also see the delivery radius in green on the streets. When a factory is in the orchard's delivery radius, it prioritises the factory rather than the trading post or warehouse to deliver the resource, which is normal behaviour.

Alternate view of the delivery radius - it covers nearly the entire island.

The delivery to the Cognac Factory takes so long that it runs out of the input resource (Cherry Wood) even though there's plenty in island storage.

It seems the only way around this is to move orchards to another island completely, and then import the goods. Or the factories and orchards have to be placed on opposite ends of the island - well outside the orchard's delivery radius. This isn't really possible for smallish islands. These workarounds aren't really ideal and a fix would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey all,

I found the report about this that we have sent to the dev team previously that also had some suggestions in of adding a button to force delivery to warehouses and have provided the additional feedback provided in this thread to the team for you. I hope this can be changed for you in future to relieve some frustrations.