Original Post — Direct link
I just recently purchased two of the DLC's (Land of lions & s0me type of entertainment one) now I cannot save my game at all or delete previous saves. I went into my folder and deleted older saves but still cannot save my current sandbox game and have to start over every time. Not going to keep doing this as much as i like the game. I do not know what to do everything i have tried hasnt helped. HELP!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Hello! Apologies for not seeing your thread sooner.

Not being able to save does not appear to be a known issue. My immediate 2 suggestions would be the following -

- Launch your Ubisoft Connect & Anno as admin: https://support.ubisoft.com/Article/000060505
- Verify game files: https://support.ubisoft.com/Article/000060529

I hope that helps!