Original Post — Direct link
Using latest patch and Docklands.

In short, Trade Union with the following:

1) Bumm Brimmell, The original Dandy
2) Sole-Searcher's Stitcher
3) Optimised Automatic Loom

The attractiveness Bonus from #1 (+20 per bootmaker) is showing up under pollution (it's green instead of red) - Bente gets triggered with a negative relationship hit for increased pollution. However, the bonus is properly added to the overall attractiveness and I get the proper prestige bonus.

I have tried removing and replacing Bumm Brimmell. I see the prestige bonus drop and come back but it is still classified as pollution in the breakdown.

I would like to include screenshots here that I have made but have not figured out how to do that. (yes, I see the add image option but it only accepts a URL, not a local file and searches for "how to add an image to a post" just give me the basic instructions for making a screenshot and not how to actually get it into the post)

I hope my description is enough.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link

I believe I understand what you are referring to, I have seen similar behaviour.

A player once reported the Telephone Manufacturer and Bootmakers were showing under pollution, instead of the correct section.

Our team has been made aware all the very best!