Original Post — Direct link

Hi Ubi, il you’re probably not gonna get this but here we go: should gridlock have only the Super Shorty and ONLY the GONNE-6? Or is the Pistol supposed to be included? Every time I’ve been playing Gridlock and choose the GONNE-6 my game freezes. Is this a glitch with the OP or a early release of something not supposed to be in game yet? I’m very confused and hope we can resolve this soon. Thanks!

about 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

Please, could you make the same thread adding the information of yoru ZXlog file after the game crashes in the proper part of the forum made for bug reporting.

ZXlog file usually is in the path Documents/My Games/They are Billions. It's important you copy the lines from this file just after the crash and before launching the game again.

Check here --->> https://steamcommunity.com/app/644930/discussions/2/

Thanks in advance.

almost 4 years ago - Nicou12313 - Direct link
1.1.2 saves will not work properly with 1.3.0 version of the game. Only 1.2.2 version of the game should translate properly into 1.3.0 Corvus.
What I can suggest you is to port the game into 1.2.2 version first, saving the file and then booting 1.3.0 version and saving again. I cannot guarantee this will work correctly, but I hope it does!
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @partymcflyy80 I am very sorry to hear of your crashes.

Do you receive any particular error code from Sony, when the game crashes, any particular CE error code, as this is known to sometimes accompany a crash on PlayStation.

Can I ask does this happen with all runes, to any weapons or clothing, every time?

Do you always play the game whilst connected to the internet? Are you able to disconnect from the internet altogether on your console, then launch the game and see if you can place the runes?

Once you can let me know these details, I will do my best to investigate this further for you.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

@partymcflyy80 Thanks for confirming this worked for you!

@azullFR Thank you for forwarding this tip to the thread. Hopefully any other players who may encounter this can use these steps.

Please reach back out you us if you need any further assistance or if you experience any other game crashes.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey @GAMEPOD, thanks for getting through to us, welcome to forums and sorry to hear about the crash issues you've been dealing with, as I fully appreciate how frustrating it may be to deal with.

So that we could look into the matter further, may I kindly check the following with you:

  1. Do you happen to receive any error messages at all?
  2. Are you using DX11 or DX12?
  3. What CPU are you using?
  4. What GPU are you using?

In the meantime, for troubleshooting purposes, if you haven't already, give the following steps a go, starting of by verifying your game files first (make sure to also complete the rest) and see if issue persists.

Keep us updated!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

@pedge2469 Hello there.

Sorry to hear about this freeze you encounter when playing Gridlock with the GONNE-6, this is unusual behaviour. Can we check if this happens consistently, and when you first noticed this issue occur?

We'd recommend verifying the games files, to ensure no files are corrupt or missing. If the problem persists, could you please forward us a short clip of the freeze happening? You can upload this clip to a video/file sharing site like YouTube or Google Drive, and post the link in your reply to share the video with us.

Many thanks.

9 months ago - /u/DE-Ruu - Direct link

The team is actively investigating the reported launcher crashes on Xbox with the Jade Shadows release and will update once the issue is resolved.

Thank you for your patience.

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2 days ago - Gomez