Original Post — Direct link

After the latest update (15) and Empires of the skies DLC I found a glitch that drives me mad. When I click on a building and than on the change skin button, the little brush-icon, it opens a menu with 4 building skin options. After closing the menu it disappears but the hitboxes and overlay text stay active, prohibiting me from clicking on the upgrade building button and on the lifestyle page the mail buttons (local mail intercontinental mail and overseas mail).
Reloading the save doesn't work. Restarting the game fixes the problem until I click the change skin button again...

Did anyone else encounter this problem?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there guys,

Thank you for reaching out and reporting this to us!

To allow us to take a closer look, could you please share any example screenshots?

We can then also pass these onto the game team to investigate.

Much appreciated!