after Land of Lion release I've become Annoholic once again
However when my cities have grown I've found three bugs in the trade routs mechanics. Unfortunatelly they are quite annoying and I feel a little bit put off.
1. Discard cargo option doesn't work correctly
I've set up a quite complex trade route between the New World and and the Cape Trelawney.
If there is not enough room in the Crown Falls I would expect all the remaining rum to be discarded. However, if one of the ship's slot is not full, this slot remains undiscarded. I can't work around this. I've captured described bug on a video linked below:
2. Wait until unloaded option doesn't work correctly
There is also a second bug on the same trade route. When a ship approaches the New World island with wood and there is not enough space to unload, the ship unloads all the wood it can, then it loads rum to the empty slots and then it waits to unload the rest of wood for some time. The distribution of wood in the slots rapidly changes and after a while the ship leaves without fully unloading. I can work this around by duplicating the New World island B in the trade route - one entry for unloading wood and the second one for loading rum but it keeps my ships much longer at the port. This bug is captured on a video as well:
Suggestion: it is quite annoying that when I have the wait until unloaded option on but the wait until loaded option off, the ship loads only once, just after the first attempt to unload its cargo. As a result my ships leaves the port half empty. It would be great if there were two attempts to load cargo while the wait until loaded option is off. The first one just after first attempt to unload and the second one when all the cargo was unloaded. Optionally there could be just one attempt but after the cargo is fully unloaded.
3. Advanced piers don't work
They behave just as the normal ones. Bug captured on video:
Thank you in advance for solving those issues.
after Land of Lion release I've become Annoholic once again

1. Discard cargo option doesn't work correctly
I've set up a quite complex trade route between the New World and and the Cape Trelawney.
- Ships load wood in a Cape Trelawney island A (wait untli loaded option)
- Then they go to the New World island B where they unload wood (wait until unloaded option) and load rum
- Next they go to the Cape Trelawney island C where they unload rum and load rum again (with minimum amount of rum set up)
- At the end they go to the Crown Falls where they unload rum (with discard cargo option)
If there is not enough room in the Crown Falls I would expect all the remaining rum to be discarded. However, if one of the ship's slot is not full, this slot remains undiscarded. I can't work around this. I've captured described bug on a video linked below:
2. Wait until unloaded option doesn't work correctly
There is also a second bug on the same trade route. When a ship approaches the New World island with wood and there is not enough space to unload, the ship unloads all the wood it can, then it loads rum to the empty slots and then it waits to unload the rest of wood for some time. The distribution of wood in the slots rapidly changes and after a while the ship leaves without fully unloading. I can work this around by duplicating the New World island B in the trade route - one entry for unloading wood and the second one for loading rum but it keeps my ships much longer at the port. This bug is captured on a video as well:
Suggestion: it is quite annoying that when I have the wait until unloaded option on but the wait until loaded option off, the ship loads only once, just after the first attempt to unload its cargo. As a result my ships leaves the port half empty. It would be great if there were two attempts to load cargo while the wait until loaded option is off. The first one just after first attempt to unload and the second one when all the cargo was unloaded. Optionally there could be just one attempt but after the cargo is fully unloaded.
3. Advanced piers don't work
They behave just as the normal ones. Bug captured on video:
Thank you in advance for solving those issues.