Original Post — Direct link
I wish to support a "You Tube Let's Play" Nivarias who is demonstrating Anno 1800 from Europe. I can purchase the game through his site to help support him. When I go to purchase Anno 1800 from him, the site tells me that I cannot active the game in Canada. Can I purchase the game from him and then install it through my Ubisoft account.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Wan - Direct link
Hello there, artistjohn! Thanks for reaching out with this, and welcome to the forums! I think it's really great you're looking to support the YouTuber who's showing off Anno 1800 in their let's play! With that said, however - it's possible the website you're looking to purchase the game from is selling keys which are unable to be used in your region. I'd suggest asking the retailer themselves what the regional availability of their keys are, as we'd be unable to determine this from any other store except ours.

(Side note, I edited your post to remove personal information as this is a public forum! I appreciate the sincerity.)