Original Post — Direct link
Potentially game breaking bug for me- many of my trade route ships won't visit Crown Falls. Everything looks fine in the Trade Route map, but in the game world one the grey lines shipping that should point to Crown Falls go to random points of the map, where the ships wait indefinitely. This includes tankers and airships.

I've tried: reinstalling and updating the game, deleting and remaking trade routes, moving and rebuilding piers. Gone back through many early saves (where I'm pretty sure the bug previously wasn't present) and find that the bug starts again.

Obviously a frustrating bug after 160hrs on this session...!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by Cajunattack
Potentially game breaking bug for me- many of my trade route ships won't visit Crown Falls. Everything looks fine in the Trade Route map, but in the game world one the grey lines shipping that should point to Crown Falls go to random points of the map, where the ships wait indefinitely. This includes tankers and airships.

I've tried: reinstalling and updating the game, deleting and remaking trade routes, moving and rebuilding piers. Gone back through many early saves (where I'm pretty sure the bug previously wasn't present) and find that the bug starts again.

Obviously a frustrating bug after 160hrs on this session...!

This is not an issue I'm familiar with, however we will look into it for you.

To investigate, we would need the following -

- A short video presenting the behaviour. We would need to see your trade route and what's happening with the ships
- Your save file: https://support.ubisoft.com/en-GB/Article/000063645

The save file can either by uploaded to a support case, or a file sharing service.

Thank you!