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With the release of Siege of Paris, I obtained a few additional armor pieces. I went to upgrade everything to mythical only to find that the Pants/Leggings category no longer appears now. I don't know if this is occurring because there are too many armor pieces in the menu selection now but I am unable to upgrade my new armor pieces all the way to receive the full benefits of mythical status. At this point it affects ALL pants gear at this point; base game; Wrath of the Druids, and Siege of Paris because nothing can be enhanced or downgraded in the Pants category.
Here is a video showing at Gunner in Ravensthorpe (also occurs at the Blacksmith in Ireland), that the Pants/Leggings do NOT appear in the Enhance Gear or Downgrade Gear sections:


There is a workaround though. Let's say you have three "Pants" items you want to upgrade from Flawless to Mythical. The workaround is to equip one of them, open the Blacksmith, and Enhance the gear from the "Currently Equipped" section, then exit the Blacksmith, equip the next one, and repeat.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Hey there @TheeElf - it's been a little while. 🙂

Thank you for reporting this issue with being unable to upgrade/downgrade pants at the blacksmith since the release of The Siege of Paris. It is much appreciated that you were so proactive in providing a video of the issue already, as this has enabled me to immediately open an investigation with the developers and provide both that video and your latest cloud save file to them for further review.

I have also included in my report the workaround that you shared; again, it is much appreciated that you included these details in the thread to hopefully help any other players who may need it, such as @azullFR who has already popped in! I'll keep you both (and any other other players who might reply in the meantime) updated as much as possible with any updates I receive on this investigation.

Thanks again, and I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused by this issue in the meantime! 🙂

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Hey there @TheeElf - it's been a little while. 🙂

Thank you for reporting this issue with being unable to upgrade/downgrade pants at the blacksmith since the release of The Siege of Paris. It is much appreciated that you were so proactive in providing a video of the issue already, as this has enabled me to immediately open an investigation with the developers and provide both that video and your latest cloud save file to them for further review.

I have also included in my report the workaround that you shared; again, it is much appreciated that you included these details in the thread to hopefully help any other players who may need it, such as @azullFR who has already popped in! I'll keep you both (and any other other players who might reply in the meantime) updated as much as possible with any updates I receive on this investigation.

Thanks again, and I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused by this issue in the meantime! 🙂