Original Post — Direct link

I subscribed around 6 months ago U connect to play with GeForce NOW because I wasn't sure it would work. It does, very well actually. I keep playing this way a lot.

As Anno is the only game I play, I am thinking about cancel the connect subscription and by the full game on the store.

First of all: are GE Force NOW and Ubisoft store working together ?

Then if possible, could I play my saved games from connect or they will be definitely lost ?


Have a lovely day.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Thanks for the update Gygx_, if you ever experience any issues running Anno on Geforce now in the future, please get in touch with us through the Player Support section and we will do our best to help you troubleshoot any issues with you before referring you to Nvidia support, thank you.