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I am only able to load 3 photos at a time so this will take a while. But different parts of this promotional event are not working at all, limited, or missing completely. First the not working part. Vigil "Livelihood challenge" event is not working at all, it tracks and can be seemingly redeemed, but no credit no advancement. Nothing, I even played a game to see if it would kick in after a match, still nothing. The barely working, Eazy Peazy, it only works AFTER you complete kills challenge, I had multiple wins before this and it only tracked after the kills challenge ended. And I have not been able to find the trinket in my inventory at all. Thirdly missing, the Nomad challenge is and never got implemented, out as listed in event page the "Days Work Challenge" is and has been absent I provided the link referencing this here. (https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/rainbow-six-siege/gameplay/article/information-about-the-containment-event-in-rainbow-six-siege/000098259 ) All in all the game event being tedious as it is has not worked as advertised on multiple levels and I am afraid all the tickets are all getting ignored. Also concerning they removed the rainbow six siege page from forums. More then concerning is I feel we are being ignored as a community. I am sorry as some of these layed out in wrong order but I uploaded as much as I could.undefined.

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

@relaxedkillert Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that you have been experiencing issues with these challenge in Rainbow Six Siege, but I wanted to first note that the migration of the forums have been moved to our discussion forums and the Rainbow Six Siege forums can be found here. After looking over your support ticket previously sent to us. I see that our team has reached back to your ticket of the rewards from these challenges. However, if you continue to experience any further issues with receiving the rewards claimed from all challenges completed, please don't hesitate to contact us back from your case so we can review this with you further.

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

@relaxedkillert Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that you have been experiencing issues with these challenge in Rainbow Six Siege, but I wanted to first note that the migration of the forums have been moved to our discussion forums and the Rainbow Six Siege forums can be found here. After looking over your support ticket previously sent to us. I see that our team has reached back to your ticket of the rewards from these challenges. However, if you continue to experience any further issues with receiving the rewards claimed from all challenges completed, please don't hesitate to contact us back from your case so we can review this with you further.