Original Post — Direct link
my purchase is success and already deducted at my account. after running the game expecting the dlc will be applied upon connecting it to the internet it didn't apply. I have to asked for refund because of it. please help because this is supposed to be surprise for my little brother
about 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by steeltalon4
my purchase is success and already deducted at my account. after running the game expecting the dlc will be applied upon connecting it to the internet it didn't apply. I have to asked for refund because of it. please help because this is supposed to be surprise for my little brother
Hey there,

Welcome to the forums! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you and for the confusion!

The Season 3 Pass, is a pass that entitles you to the next 3 DLCs when they release, however these are released in stages

The first DLC: Docklands, was released on the 23rd February while the dates for the other two DLCs are yet to be confirmed

You can read more on the Season 3 Pass and it's plans here.

I hope this clears things up should you or your brother still wish to get the DLC again later

If there's anything else we can help with, please let us know!