Original Post — Direct link
Dear politic correct ubisoft team.

I am in love with a lot of your game and especiaaly the anno series. But this time you are going to far. I was building on one of my island's with the name "sechujalla". This is a name created by the game itself (not by me). Now i get the message, "please use appropriate language. So i googled a bit and find out that the "CHUJ"part of "sechujalla" means **** in the polish language. Who gives a flying ****? I am not polisch and eve if i were, this is not the name of the island. I am sick of the political correct behaiver of your complany. Please act normal and try to be critical on yourself. You maybe think that your customers are all political correct left wing gamers. THEY ARE NOT!!!!!!!!!! I am so sick of this bullcrap.
over 5 years ago - UbiCosmos - Direct link

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