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normally electrified buildings get trucks which have superior parameters:


scooters get neither nor nor boosts
they are identical to UNelectrified horsecarts, just different graphics
basically you're penalizing most of the new dlc12 buildings, which would otherwise get faster transporters

improved productivity (due to electricity) requires faster transporters, which is the reason for trucks replacing carts in the first place

and just to be completely inconsistent, many electrified nw buildings -- e.g., chocolate factory -- DO get trucks (along with all their improved properties)

not even all the new (dlc12) buildings get scooters, someone forgot the fans (along with production chain buildings), so those also get trucks

the criteria for electrified buildings getting scooters don't seem to be consistent: not everything, not dlc12, not having artistas workforce

mines get of 1010104 (FactoryTransporter) always, maybe you meant 120028 (ElectricFactoryTransporter) instead?
EXCEPT for helium, for some reason; but to compensate, clay pit is punished with 1010104 as well
also you define of 1010104, whereas 1010105 is WarehouseTransporter (with 120027 as ElectricWarehouseTransporter)

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hey there @hundreAd1800

Thank you for bringing this up! I understand it's frustrating not seeing an actual upgrade to the way the transporter functions after you've upgraded to a new type of transporter. That said, I've forwarded the feedback to the team at this time. If you notice something similar with any other transports, please let me know what you're seeing and with which ones so I can make note of that as well!