Original Post — Direct link
I decided to look for where the Аnno stores the autosave files. Found out that the game does not delete any autosave files. And they took me more than 5GB on the system ssd with the disk. 2000 files. I think this is too big just for autosave files that won't be needed. Will their storage system be overhauled, or will they need to be manually removed from time to time?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by AIP1973
I decided to look for where the Аnno stores the autosave files. Found out that the game does not delete any autosave files. And they took me more than 5GB on the system ssd with the disk. 2000 files. I think this is too big just for autosave files that won't be needed. Will their storage system be overhauled, or will they need to be manually removed from time to time?
Hello! Thank you for your feedback regarding auto saves.

This is something that the community has brought up in the past and we sent their feedback to our development team. We don't any further at this time, but we will notify players in our patch notes if any changes are made.

All the best!