Original Post — Direct link

Hi guys, would it be possible to level the Airship Platform when placed on slanted terrain? It doesn't look so nice, like the World's Fair for example (or even the residences, for that matter).
The museum/zoo/botanical slots would also benefit from this graphic upgrade. Because they're so many and tied to each other, they look like a blanked, rather than a cultural hotspot.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Greybeard - Direct link

Hey @blendmode !

Thanks for the suggestion! As someone who appreciates neatness in my city, I definitely like it! So I've gone ahead and forwarded your suggestion to the development team.

As usual with suggestions, we can't guarantee if something will be implemented/changes will be made, but the team will definitely take a look at it and see if something can be done.

Let me know if there's anything else I could help with!