Original Post — Direct link
Hi all,

i have a weird flickering since 3-4 weeks. I hoped it would solve itself with a patch but it didnt. It didnt occur in the first few days of the game.
When the game is in the menu (before you start the game) it flickers a lot. When in-game, it doesnt flicker in the anno world but it does flicker when i open textboxes.

My drivers are updated and here are my specs:
Intel core i7-7700K 4.20 ghz
geforce GTX 1080ti

i m using a 4K screen (AGON) and graphics on max.

almost 6 years ago - UbiArcane - Direct link
Hello! Sorry about this flickering issue. Would you please try these steps and see if the problem remains? If it does, please make sure to disable any overlays such as Discord. If the issue remains, please reach out to our team with your MSINFO, DXDIAG, and a description of the issue. Our team will be happy to investigate it further.