Original Post — Direct link

I would really like to play this game. I just tried to buy it, but I don't have access to it, and Ubisoft still charged my card. None of the support features are working on this site. Can anyone recommend any other way to contact Ubisoft support? They just took my money.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey there @Nameless-Will , thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear you've not found Anno 1800 in your library after purchase.

Please note that it can sometimes take up to 48 hours for games to reach your account, although this is rare.

It can also be the case that the payment you've noted is an authorisation hold, which is where your payment provider will set aside the money for a transaction even if it doesn't go through. Typically, this would be returned to you within a few days, but we'd recommend speaking to your payment provider directly for specifics of their process on this. We've got a bit more information about authorisation holds here.

For more help with this, we'd recommend reaching out to our support teams directly. I'm sorry to hear you'd had trouble contacting us - if you could give me the specifics of what happened when you tried, I'd like to investigate that further. You can get in touch with any of the three links below.

Open a support ticket with Ubisoft Help
Send a Twitter DM to Ubisoft Support
Send a Facebook PM to Ubisoft Support

Please let me know if I can clarify any of this 🙂