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Can anyone point me to a picture of a completed Museum or Zoo? I am trying to finish mine. For that matter a completed Garden would also be nice. I have $1B and I need something to spend it on.
over 5 years ago - UbiCosmos - Direct link
Originally Posted by banan1996.1996
I have all items for museum and botanical garden. I am still missing 5 animals. If you want to see what you still need, you can check out the wiki, there are lists of all items.
In case of museun you can get all set items from the World's Fair, same for botanical garden. Of course expeditions are good too.
In case of zoo you just need to do zoological expeditions. You can decline all expeditions until you get a medium or hard zoological one. It seems to be faster that way instead of doing every single expedition
Great tips banan! I agree, the Wiki is definitely very helpful for being a checklist of sorts.