Original Post — Direct link
Hello, I wanted clarification on the season pass. Does it provide permanent ownership of the DLC content or will the dlc only be accessible while my season pass subscription remains active? Meaning if I currently have season pass with all the current DLC, but later suspend my subscription will I no longer be able to play with the DLC? Also how is it affected, if at all, by playing in offline mode?

Thank you.
over 5 years ago - UbiCosmos - Direct link
Hello pownsya,

For clarification, which subscription are you referring to? If already own the game the purchase then DLC, your ownership of the Season Pass is permanent. The DLC is not on a subscription basis. Once you pay for it, you own it.
over 5 years ago - UbiCosmos - Direct link
Originally Posted by pownsya
Thank you for the reply. It seems I just misunderstood what the Season Pass actually was. I thought it was subscription based like UPlay+ or some other versions of "Season Pass" in other games that are also subscription based. Anyway thanks for clarifying, so purchasing this Season Pass will get me the same thing as if I purchased Sunken Treasures, Botanica, and The Passage individually?
You are welcome! Yes, that is correct. You also get a discount for purchasing the Season Pass as opposed to all 3 DLC's individually.