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A problem that occurs sometimes that a ship equipped with a white flag is suddenly attacked on a trade route. But in peace mode (white flag equipped) it should be impossible.
It only happened with a clipper and the recent new ship.
On the moment I solve it by removing the flag and then equip it again. But this is annoying (Margaret Hunt is annoying anyway, and worsen it.)
And please I depend on those flags, because Miss Margaret Hunt has 2/3 of all the maps occupied in my current game.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by Darkbirt
A problem that occurs sometimes that a ship equipped with a white flag is suddenly attacked on a trade route. But in peace mode (white flag equipped) it should be impossible.
It only happened with a clipper and the recent new ship.
On the moment I solve it by removing the flag and then equip it again. But this is annoying (Margaret Hunt is annoying anyway, and worsen it.)
And please I depend on those flags, because Miss Margaret Hunt has 2/3 of all the maps occupied in my current game.
Hey Darkbirt,

Thank you for reaching out and reporting this!

It doesn't appear to be something that has yet been brought to the team's attention

Would it be possible to please provide a clip demonstrating this behaviour in-game? As well as the workaround to remove and equip it?

We can then pass this onto the team for investigation

Thank you!