Original Post — Direct link

I have an ongoing game with a friend. We started this game with the passage and high life activated because these were the DLC we both had. In the last sale we both bought most of the missing DLC. We both didn't buy Seeds of Change and he wasn't able to buy Botanica. We loaded our save and activated all DLC except these two and played for two hours both doing stuff that was added with the new DLC. Yesterday we tried to continue this game but only Sunken Treasure, High Life, Passage and Land of Lions are still activated. All other DLC except Botanica are deactivated and locked.

This is the list of saved games:

The save named "Tourist Season.a7s" is the first save after we activated the DLC and if I load this all DLC are active, in every save after that only the 4 DLC mentioned above are active and everything except Botanica is locked. Why is this? How can we fix this without losing the progress of the last two hours?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey @Kincaid83, thanks for getting through to us, welcome to forums and sorry to hear about the issue you and your friend ran into.

First and foremost, for troubleshooting purposes, can I check if you've tried verifying your game files and running both client and game as Admin?

If you did yet issue persists, would it be possible for either you or your friend to upload save file where issue is present? By default, it should be located in %userprofile%\Documents\Anno 1800\accounts. Once found, you can upload it to any external file sharing website and then post the link in this thread.

Keep us updated!