Original Post — Direct link
Apologies if these have been reported before but I have struggled to find these bugs mentioned anywhere here or on reddit.

1) Getting a propaganda quest from Dr. Hugo coincides with when you are prompted to edit a Newspaper. The bug is that the newspaper prompt ALSO IMMEDIATELY publishes a randomized newspaper right before/simultaneously with the prompt along with any potential negative effects. This creates TWO problems: 1a) the consequences of the negative affects of the newspaper article which you can in no way prevent and, 2a) the automatically published newspaper now present in your Archive which makes it a permanent consequence on your save file.

2) If you are being prompted by a newspaper publish prompt + timer AND try to load a save file where you have not yet received a newspaper prompt somehow carries over the timer prompt from the old save AND blocks you from accessing the archive. All you see over the button to access newspaper on the left bar is a timer that won't count down and performs no function when clicked. The only solutions are to exit the game entirely or to load a file that has an active prompt with active timer counting down. I am unaware of any keybind that lets you access the newspaper archive during this bug rendering that whole part of the game inaccessible unless you attempt to circumvent it like above.

BOTH of these bugs have 100% reproduceable effect in my games and across multiple save files. I can provide a save file if needed.

It is incredibly cumbersome and in some ways game breaking. If anyone knows of any work arounds for especially bug 1) (in order to prevent 1b which seems permanent) that would be great!

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by kumo7
Apologies if these have been reported before but I have struggled to find these bugs mentioned anywhere here or on reddit.

1) Getting a propaganda quest from Dr. Hugo coincides with when you are prompted to edit a Newspaper. The bug is that the newspaper prompt ALSO IMMEDIATELY publishes a randomized newspaper right before/simultaneously with the prompt along with any potential negative effects. This creates TWO problems: 1a) the consequences of the negative affects of the newspaper article which you can in no way prevent and, 2a) the automatically published newspaper now present in your Archive which makes it a permanent consequence on your save file.

2) If you are being prompted by a newspaper publish prompt + timer AND try to load a save file where you have not yet received a newspaper prompt somehow carries over the timer prompt from the old save AND blocks you from accessing the archive. All you see over the button to access newspaper on the left bar is a timer that won't count down and performs no function when clicked. The only solutions are to exit the game entirely or to load a file that has an active prompt with active timer counting down. I am unaware of any keybind that lets you access the newspaper archive during this bug rendering that whole part of the game inaccessible unless you attempt to circumvent it like above.

BOTH of these bugs have 100% reproduceable effect in my games and across multiple save files. I can provide a save file if needed.

It is incredibly cumbersome and in some ways game breaking. If anyone knows of any work arounds for especially bug 1) (in order to prevent 1b which seems permanent) that would be great!

Hello, thank you for contacting us!

I have tried looking into both of these issues for you, and neither of them appear to be known.

You have described the issues very well and I'm sure we will have enough to investigate. Just to help ensure this, would it perhaps be possible to provide a video of each of these issues?

Thank you!

P.S. I have moved this to our Anno 1800 Player Support forum.