Original Post — Direct link
So, yesterday i bought Anno 1800 and it appeared that i can't change game language. In both ingame setting and uplay i don't have any options but "russian".Despite tha fact that i live in Russia now - i'm not native speaker so i never play games on this language and use original game language (english in this case), but i didn't find anywhere in uplay even the option to buy the game with desired game language, it's like i'm forced to play with certain language just because of my current location.
about 5 years ago - UbiDork - Direct link
demonuka30k: Hey there! I'm sorry that you're running into this issue, but I'm here to help out as much as I can! I did check your Ubisoft Account and I see that you purchased the Anno 1800 ( Russian ) Gold Edition from the Ubisoft Store. However, to confirm, you are now wanting to have access to different languages than Russian?
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey demonuka30k,

I am afraid that it is not possible for us to add extra languages to your version of the game.

The regional restrictions are to ensure that players buy the version of their game from the correct region so they get the correct languages available.

If you purchase the game in Russia, you would get the Russian language version of the game.
about 5 years ago - UbiDork - Direct link
demonuka30k: Since there is not a way to add a language pack to the version you have purchased, please create a support ticket here for further support on handling this issue and the ability to request a refund if you would like to do so.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by dryjins
I have the same issue!! but UBI even does not allow me to issue the ticket!!!

How to solve this?
Hey there,

Sorry to hear this.

If you are unable to open a ticket you can also contact us by Twitter or Facebook where we will be able to open a ticket for you and discuss this there no problem