Original Post — Direct link
I have had some crashes in the last week, first time in over 3000 hours play since 2016. It's happening after I build new cargo ships and try to apply boost items etc to them. Half of the time it works fine, the rest of the time the game becomes laggy. If I then leave the ships alone and go back to other game play it's fine again, but if I persevere it crashes. Had no other issues with crashing other than this. Last time it crashed the new ship was showing Drae von Gast already applied to it's second item slot - I had not done this and he can only be applied to military ships.

For game crashes:
- Describe in detail what you were doing before the crash occurred - adding item to new ships
- Did you receive an error message? - no it froze for a few seconds and crashed.
- What kind of crash is it? For example hard freeze, crash to desktop, black-screen, system reboot, etc. - crash to desktop
- Were you using Dx11 or Dx12? - no launched normally
- What other applications were running in the background? - Many other programs running as usual, but nothing new
- Have you installed or updated any drivers recently? If so which ones and what version? - nothing new before the crashes
- Are you using a Windows Insider (beta) build of Windows? - normal Windows 10 64
- Are you using any specialized peripherals such as Tobii Eye Tracker, Third-party controllers, joysticks, etc? - No

Could the issue be with the number of ships I have in the game? In that region (Old World) I have just over 100 cargo ships, the vast majority on supply routes, and about 120 divided between the other regions.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hi CazzaBaby,

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention and thank you for the information so far.

Could I ask, when the crashes happen and you are navigating your ships inventory, do you have an on-going mission in progress as part of your save and/or have you completed the campaign?