Original Post — Direct link

Hey Anno Team!

I found a strange common item appearing in the category "Affects All Production Buildings".
The item has no name nor icon, but from the Asset Viewer it seems that it has ID number 769.
Here are a few screenshots:

The "Sources" tab indicates the Research Institute as source, however the bottom text (which I foolishly cropped off in my first screenshot) says that it cannot be researched.
I was able to reproduce the issue after verifying files. Let me know if I can share other info/materials.
Thanks for all your help, and keep up the good work! 😃


almost 3 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link

Hey @acidello,

Thank you for kindly taking your time out to share what you found with us.

I have shared this with the team for investigation.

In the mean time, if we can help with anything else then just let us know.