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As title says, Flak monitors do not shoot enemy airships when they are set on "patrol".
They do however shoot normally when you move them normally (aka, when they are not patrolling).
Strange thing is, when the enemy airships is right in front of the Flak Monitor it will shoot a few bullets, but the turret itself seems stationary and does not even bother to rotate to shoot the enemy airship at different angles when its set on "patrol".
Also the Flak Monitor does not stop to attack the airship, it just keeps patrolling, its like it doesn't even register there is an enemy airship.

So plz fix Flak Monitors and allow them to shoot enemies when you set them on "patrol".

Not gonna bother writing more or give more proof since 9/10 of my bug reports fall on deaf ears anyways, this issue can easily be reproduced by Ubisoft themselves, just take any Flak Monitor and set it on patrol, it won't do a thing to shoot airships then.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @IIAc3sII

Thanks for the report and the videos. I'll forward these over to the dev team to take a look into this.