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Only noticed it after the last couple of patches. My mines and crops etc become so fixated on delivering their goods to a certain factory that they will halt all production until there is room to deliver at the factory rather than take the excess output to a warehouse. See attached screenshots:

With the ability for the Zinc mine to deliver to a Brass Smeltery, the Zinc mine will fixate on that factory and halt all production until there is room to deliver.


If I pause that smeltery and force the Zinc mine to deliver to a warehouse, it goes full speed producing zinc and delivering to warehouses. But once I un-pause the smeltery, it starts halting its production again waiting for the smeltery to be ready instead of delivering the excess output to one of the two warehouses sitting right next to it.


I noticed this happening with one of my potato farms and a Schnapps Distillery the other day. The farm runs at 300%, the Distillery runs at 100%. The farm would spent most the time with its production halted until the distillery was ready, despite the fact the distilleries right next to it were empty waiting for potatoes and my stock of them in the warehouses was zero. I managed to fix it by rearranging the distilleries and the farm with a warehouse in between, however with the Zinc example above, I put a warehouse right in between the smeltery and the mine and it still halts production waiting for the smeltery.

Hope this helps explain the bug, let me know if any more information is needed. Happy to provide my save file
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by bramlefebvre
Maybe it has to do with this. The destination workplace has or will soon have one open slot for input materials. The system wants to send the goods there. The delivery takes long so that in the mean time production in the source workplace halts because of full output storage. I have it again with a limestone quarry now. I haven't seen it happen with non-mine buildings.
Hello! I'm sorry we didn't see this thread earlier, I will do my best to help you.

Your explanation for the issue makes the most sense to me.

Before I report this to our devs I would just like to confirm what we believe should be the intended behaviour. While the cart is being delivered to the factory, do you think another cart should deliver the full mine output to the warehouse?

I'd like to be certain, then we can investigate

Thank you!