Original Post — Direct link
Sure it's been asked a zillion times already and i've tried to go off what others are saying, but my Flagship was destroyed and i'm yet to see it offered at any harbor. Anyone have any ideas?
about 5 years ago - UbiCosmos - Direct link
Originally Posted by MrDragonfyr
Yep, Campaign. Just came on here to check if anyone had replied as I still don't have the ship.

I've just progressed into "The New World" and it's not there either.
I've checked all neutral ports, enemy ports, other players (Ai), nothing. Not there. Starting to think something is wrong with my game.

Will make a bug report.

Hey there MrDragonfyr,

Thanks for reporting the details along to our Support Team so that they can look into this further! I would also recommend verifying your files if you have not already. That will confirm that nothing is corrupt.