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i played the anno 1800 in 2560×1440 before. When i use the 1920×1080 now, the game still start in 2560×1440. i can not change the resolution now because the setting button can not press in 1920×1080.
i know i asked stupid questions, but it seems that I can't solve this.........😖

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hey @Hepbmstl!

Sorry you've run into trouble adjusting the resolution! If you verify the game files, do you still run into this issue? I've also seen some players run into a similar issue that were able to Alt+Tab out and back into the game and this may help with getting to the settings/option menu to adjust resolution from there.

If the issue persists, please try completely reinstalling the game and let us know of any changes to the issue!