Original Post — Direct link
after a few hours playing, the music starts to loop the same track over and over, wouldn't be bothered too much if it wasn't one of the shortest tracks in the game
the only way i can fix it is by logging out and back in again, and after a couple of hours, it does it again. i have video of it somewhere but i'd rather you took my word for it
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey P0PPYTAT, thanks for reaching out and bringing this to our attention.

It does not look like this issue has been brought up before, therefore for reproduction purposes, if you do happen to have video footage somewhere handy, that would be very helpful, however if not - don't worry .

Additionally, may I also double-check the following:
1. Since when did the issue start to happen?
2. Does this happen each and every time or are there instances where it will play different tracks?

Let us know and we will get back to you at the earliest possible convenience.