almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by finacoles2
Somethings on the screen like the characters move normaly but everything else just freezes and i can move the camera but can't do anything​ else ​ I have like 70 hours in the game and it never did this​ But after the dockland update it keeps freezing with no solution but to close it with the task manager I'm playing with mods​. Issue has been solved.
Hey finacoles2, thanks for your response there!

I believe you wanted to quote your own message there and I can see that you've stated issue has been resolved, therefore I will take it that this does no longer persist for you.

If it is the case indeed, I'm glad to hear that and I do hope you enjoy your-game time!

Should this not be the case however, let us know and we will look into the matter further.