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Hi! I've suffered from sync issues since GU15, in which the save files generated on GFN can't sync to local PC. I tried following some instructions here (like manually sync) but in vain. After GU15.1, things get even weirder: the local PC can find the sync records from GFN (a synced save entry with appropriate timestamp), but loading the save can't get any new gaming process compared with latest local save. Any help pls?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @carysam

Please could you let us know if you see any error messages and what they say exactly when trying to sync?

Also, when you say "loading the save can't get any new gaming process compared with latest local save" do you mean you can load the save game, progress in the game a bit, but it just doesn't save after you exit the game?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for getting back to us with this @carysam

If you disable / re-enable cloud saves on your PC Ubisoft Connect client do they sync back up?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for the update @carysam - sorry to hear that didn't do the trick.

So we can have the team take a look, would it be possible to please share some screenshots of the timestamp differences you've noted between the saves?