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Ich wäre dafür das man vielleicht eine Region im Asiatischen Raum mit eigener Bevölkerung und Produktionsketten entwickeln könnte so als Idee für die Zukunft für ein Season Pass 5.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Heya @Rainer194 🙂

Just posting to echo what @Asterix201252 has very kindly relayed! Here on this forum, prefer that players speak in English. This is because we prefer to avoid automatic translation tools if we can, since they can lead to misunderstandings. Instead, we feel it is best for players to speak to other players who speak their preferred language.

To talk about Anno 1800 in German, please go here: https://discussions.ubisoft.com/category/649/allgemeine-diskussionen?lang=de

If you'd prefer to continue here on the forum in English, that's fine too - just translate your post for us 🙂
