Original Post — Direct link
Dear all,

I just bought a game Anno 1800 and I was playing for 30 minutes. I'm really new to this game. I saved the game, but I can't find it anywhere. Did I miss something? It wrote that the game is saved, but where it is? Also once I left the game after 45 minutes, and choose save and exit, the game crashed. Please help, I would really like to play this game, but if I can't even save it, what's the point:
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link
Hey DashiellNico, welcome to the forums!

Asterix201252's comments on saving and loading a spot on - thanks so much for explaining for us

Regarding the crash you experienced, I'd like to invite you to have a quick read of our troubleshooting guide, as the steps it suggests fix most crashes. You'll find it here. In particular, please try verifying your game files, and making sure to update your drivers and OS.

If that doesn't help, please get back to me, as I'll have some other troubleshooting steps we can try instead.