Original Post — Direct link

Is This A Bug or A Feature?

Game type: Campaign and Sandbox
Issue: All DLC is deactivated at creation of the game. After promoting Jornalero to Obrero option to build "Fertiliser Silo" on all crop farm buildings appears.
Reproducible? Yes. I can't not make it happen.\

It appears the rest of the game plays as normal. I'm not really sure. I keep restarting to see if this is bug or a feature. It won't go away.

Game is up to date as far as I can tell? I got the impression that Ubisoft updates it when I connect, but I'll check.

I'm fine if this is a bug, I'm fine if this is a feature and fertiliser is just, dunno, left as a challenge for the player to solve ... but mostly I'm frustrated because I can't get a straight answer from the Internet.

-Thanks in advance, let me know what I can do to help look at this. I can make a screen recording if you want one.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Hello there @Chronogamer2014,

That is extremely odd as you *should* need to have Seeds of Change activated in order for that option to appear.

Just to rule out a couple of things, try clearing your Launcher cache for me and verifying your files.

If the option is still appearing, please go ahead and grab me that short video clip/recording showing that you're able to build those and upload it to Youtube or Google Drive, etc, then provide me with the link here so I can investigate this a bit further.