Hey there @kevinprds , thanks very much for reaching out about this. I understand you're having an issue with your mines not delivering iron to your factories. Sorry for the delay in responding!
I'd like to investigate this further. To do this, it'd really help me out if you could run through some basic troubleshooting steps - this makes sure the game is running the way we'd expect it to. Please see the troubleshooting guide. In particular from the guide, please make sure you are running the game with administrator rights, you've verified the game files, you've got your Windows install fully updated, and you don't have any background programs which could interfere with the game.
If the issue persists after those steps, please let me know. If possible, in that case, it'd be fantastic to have a video showing the issue - we recommend using the Xbox Game Bar to record gameplay footage, and then uploading it to YouTube as unlisted, and sending us the link here in the forum thread.
Let me know if I can clarify any of these steps!