Original Post — Direct link

Hello guys, 1 year ago I bought anno on ORIGIN, than I had to format my pc. Now I'm trying to install it again but I discovered that anno were removed from ORIGIN (where I bought it) and I don't know what to do!

Can you help me?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Hey @maulan89. Welcome to Discussions!

Just to confirm, are you logged into the same Ubisoft Account and Origin that you originally used when you purchased the game?

If not, you would need to be logged into both of those accounts and they would need to be linked, which should have happened the first time you launched Anno 1800.

If you've made sure this is the case and you still can't access your game, please go ahead and start a Support Case so that we can look into this further with you over private channels.