Original Post — Direct link

I looked up online what quests you should get on this website: https://anno1800.fandom.com/wiki/Campaign

I NEVER got "The Apple Falls Not Far From the Tree" or ANY other clear abandoned building quests.

Clicking on those only says "Not enough people to clear it". I am currently at 650+ farmers because I can't upgrade the houses.

I DID GET "Toast to the Future (Aarhant)" and finished it. Also "A Spark Rekindled" and "Loyalty Repaid"!

Also the quest with the fire but that was immediately finished because I already had a fire brigade at that time.

That's it. No more quests in the quest log.

Is the only solution to restart the campaign??

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link


Hey there.

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this.

So we can see exactly what's happening here can I ask you if possible to provide us with a link to a video demonstrating this please? Thanks.