Original Post — Direct link

As title says, ships that require permits, such as the Great Eastern, will only show the resource cost to build the ship if you actually have enough of that resource.
If you don't have enough of this resource, it will not even be visible in the construction menu and you are left wandering why you cannot build the ship...

Great Eastern costs 60 steel beams and 30 engines

pic1: I do not have enough steel beams, so the cost needed is not even mentioned at all, same happens to the engines if I don't have enough of those, since I do not see what resources are needed I have no clue what is missing since its not mentioned...

pic2: I have more than enough of both resources, so they both get mentioned in the construction menu, all good here.

plz fix this so we can actually see the resource cost needed when we do not have enough resources, this bug only happens to ships that require permits to be build, which is Great Eastern in vanilla.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Massilia - Direct link

Hello @IIAc3sII

Sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with the resources shown when trying to build a ship.

Thank you for your screenshots, I'll transfer those and your feedback to the game team in order to investigate further more on this issue.

In the meantime, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask and we will do our best to help you !