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Before the Empire of the Skies & update 15 you can hover the cursor over any trade routes in my list to see what you're sending to. but now when I open my list of trade routes as you see in the image below and hover the cursor over any trade routes I don’t see its path between the islands anymore! I can only see it if I open the trade route ship and then hover the cursor over it. Hope you can fix it

As you only see in this image if I open the ship trade route like this, I can see the path. I don't want to be opening all my big list of trade ships routes it a pain and not welcome this way.

As for the Empire of the Skies bug again I pick up 20 mail and it unloads -50? and you can't change it because it's greyed out as you see in the image. What's going on with update 15.

As for the land of the loins quest, I couldn't open the locked answer because I don't have any people! As you see in the background image my people are there another bug with update 15

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey guys,

Thanks for sharing those issues you found in Anno 1800 with us. After looking into this, I can see that this issue was under investigation and is now planned to be fixed for the next game update 😊